• Short
    Long 2776 results
  • 2M
    Second Minister
  • 2PS
    Second Permanent Secretary
  • 2DS
    Second Deputy Secretary
  • 2Dir
    Second Director
  • A&T
    Adapt and Train
  • AA
    Approving Authority
  • ABC
    Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters
  • ABC
    AI, Blockchain, Chatbot
  • ABCD
    Analytics, Blockchain, Cloud, Data
    ASEAN Conference on Civil Service Matters
  • ACD
    Audit and Compliance Department
  • ACDT
    Australian Central Daylight Savings
  • ACE
    Achieving Continuous Excellence
  • ACE
    Assistant Chief Executive
  • ACL
    Access Control List
  • ACRA
    Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority
  • ACST
    Australian Central Standard Time
  • ACT
    Align, Communicate and Take Ownership
  • ACT
    Application Compatibility Testing
    Advanced Certificate in Technical Education Pedagogy
  • AD
    Active Directory
  • ADDD
    Application Design, Development and Deployment
  • ADP
    Agency Digitalisation Plans
  • ADRO
    Assistant Digital Records Officer
  • ADT
    Atlantic Daylight Time
  • ADWI
    Adaptive Digital Workplace Infrastructure
  • AEDT
    Australian Eastern Summer Time
  • AEP
    Annual Engagement Plan
  • AES
    Advanced Encryption Standard
  • AEST
    Australian Eastern Standard Time
  • AFI
    Area For Improvement
  • AFM
    Agency Facility Management
  • AFT
    Afghanistan Time
  • AGC
    Attorney-General's Chambers
  • AGD
    Accountant-General's Department
  • AGO
    Auditor-General's Office
  • AGV
    Automated Guided Vehicle
  • AI
    Application Infrastructure
  • AI
    Artificial Intelligence
  • AIAS
    Application Infrastructure Architecture Standards
    Agency ICT Infrastructure Security Assessment
  • AIM Model
    Analytical and Intellectual Capacity Influence and Collaboration Motivation for Excellence
  • AIP
    Approval In Principal
  • AIaaB
    AI as a Business
  • AKA
    Also Known As
  • AKST
    Alaska Standard Time
  • ALP
    Applied Learning Programme
  • AMAP
    Active Mobility Advisory Panel
  • AMP
    Active Mobility Patrol
  • AMS
    Asset Management System
  • AMST
    Amazon Summer Time
  • AMT
    Armenia Time
  • AMT
    Amazon Time
  • ANCP
    Application Network Connectivity Plan
  • ANPR
    Automatic Number Plate Recognition
  • AO
    Approving Officer
  • AO
    Accounting Officer
  • AO
    Administrative Officer
  • AOB
    Any Other Business
  • AOI
    Areas of Improvement
  • AOR
    Approval of Requirement
  • APA
    Annual Performance Appraisal
  • APEX
    API Gateway
  • API
    Application Programming Interface
  • APIX
    API eXchange
    Application for Passport On-line Electronic System
  • APPS
    Automated Precast Production System
  • APV
    Approved Procurement Value
  • AR
    Augmented Reality
  • AR
    Ad-hoc Request
  • ARC
    Audit Risk Committee
  • ARR
    Accounting Rate of Return
  • ART
    Argentina Time
  • ASA
    Annual Security Assessment
  • ASAP
    As Soon As Possible
  • ASAS
    Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore
  • ASM
    Application Services Manager
  • ASO
    Administrative Support Officer
    Applied Study in Polytechnics and ITE Review
  • AST
    Atlantic Standard Time
  • AST
    Arabia Standard Time
    Agency For Science, Technology And Research
  • ATFM
    Air Traffic Flow Management
  • AUC
    Asset Under Construction
  • AUP
    Acceptable Use Policy
  • AUT
    Automatic Utensils Trolley
  • AVA
    Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore
  • AWOL
    Absent Without Official Leave
  • AWS
    Annual Wage Supplement
  • AWS
    Amazon Web Services
  • AWST
    Australian Western Standard Time
  • AgTM
    Agency Technical Meeting
  • B2B
  • B2C
  • BA
    Business Analyst
  • BAD
    Business Analyst, Domain
  • BAF
    Business Analyst, Functional
  • BC/DR
    Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  • BCA
    Building and Construction Authority
  • BCM
    Business Continuity Management
  • BCP
    Business Continuity Plan
  • BCS
    Business Card System
  • BD
    Business Development
  • BDT
    Brunei Time
  • BEO
    Block Exemption Order
  • BH
    Berita Harian
  • BI
    Business Insights
  • BI
    Behavioural Indicator
  • BIM
    Building Information Modelling
    Biodiversity and Environment database system
  • BIOT
    British Indian Ocean Time
  • BIT
    Baker Island Time
  • BIl
    Business impact level
  • BMS
    Building Management System
  • BOT
    Bolivia Time
  • BPI
    Business Process Improvement
  • BPO
    Business Process Outsourcing
  • BPR
    Business Process Re-engineering
  • BQ
    Budgetary Quotation
  • BRST
    Braslia Summer Time
  • BRT
    Brasilia Time
  • BSC
    Balanced Scorecard
  • BSEP
    Bus Service Enhancement Programme
  • BST
    Bangladesh Standard Time
  • BTT
    Bhutan Time
  • CAAS
    Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
  • wef
    With Effect From
  • caa
    Current As At
  • CAB
  • Pre-CAB
  • Cab Sec
    Secretary to the Cabinet
  • ISO
    International Organisation for Standardisation
  • CAG
    Changi Airport Group
  • CAGE
    Cybersecurity Assessment of Government Environment
    Commonwealth Association of Public Administration and Management
    Capital Expenditure
    Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
  • CARE
    Caring Actions in Response to an Emergency
  • CASE
    Consumers Association of Singapore
  • CAT
    Central Africa Time
  • CBP
    Community Based Programme
  • CBT
    Computer Based Training
  • CBTC
    Communications-Based Train Control
  • CC
    Commercial Cloud
  • CCCS
    Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore
  • CCDG
    Connectivity Competition Development Group
  • CCOD
    Corporate Culture and Organisation Development
  • CCS
    Competition Commission of Singapore
  • CCT
    Cocos Islands Time
  • CD
    Cluster Director
  • CDG
    Corporate Development Group
  • CDN
    Content Delivery Network
  • CDO
    Chief Data Officer
  • CDP
    Career Development Plan
  • CDR
    Common Data Representation
  • CDSO
    Chief Digital Strategy Officer
  • CE
    Chief Executive
  • CEA
    Council For Estate Agencies
  • CEO
    Chief Executive Officer
  • CEP
    Current Estimated Potential
  • CERT
    Computer Emergency Response Teams
  • CEST
    Central European Summer Time
  • CET
    Central European Time
  • CFC
    Call For Collaboration
  • CFO
    Chief Financial Officer
    Chatham Daylight Time
    Chatham Standard Time
    Choibalsan Summer Time
  • CHRO
    Chief Human Resources Officer
  • CHST
    Chamorro Standard Time
  • CHUT
    Chuuk Time
  • CI
    Critical Infrastructure
  • CIA
    Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
  • CIC
    Central Infrastructure Consultant
  • CII
    Critical Information Infrastructure
  • CIM
    Central Infrastructure Manager
  • CIO
    Chief Information Officer
  • CIP
    Continual Improvement Plan
  • CISO
    Chief Information Security Officer
  • CIT
    Central Indonesia Time
    Certified IT Project Manager Programme
    Critical Infocomm Technology Resource Programme
  • CIU
    Counselling and Intervention Unit
  • CLC
    Centre for Liveable Cities
  • CLG
    Clusters Group
  • CLST
    Chile Summer Time
  • CLT
    Chile Standard Time
  • CMG
    Communications and Marketing Group, GovTech
  • CMI
    Capital Markets Intermediaries
  • CMS
    Content Management System
  • CNA
    Cloud Native Architecture
  • CNB
    Central Narcotics Bureau
  • CO
    Countersigning Officer
  • COC
    Certificate of Completion
  • COC
    Code of Conduct
    Core Operations Development Environment and eXchange
  • COE
    Certificate of Entitlement
  • COG
    Center of Government
    Centre of Innovation for Supply Chain Management
  • COM
    CIO Ops Meeting
    Concept of Operations
  • COPS
    Committee of Permanent Secretaries
  • COR
    Charge Out Rates
  • COS
    Committee of Supply
  • COST
    Colombia Summer Time
  • COT
    Colombia Time
  • COV
    Cash Over Valuation
  • CP2M
    Centre for Public Project Management
  • CPAD
    Corporate Planning and Administration Department
  • CPB
    Corporate Performance Bonus
  • CPC
    Cost Per Click
  • CPDD
    Curriculum Planning and Development Division
  • CPE
    Council For Private Education
  • CPFB
    Central Provident Fund Board
  • CPIB
    Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau
  • CPM
    Cost Per Thousand
  • CPS
    Child Protective Service
  • CPWG
    CLP Procurement Working Group
  • CRA
    Casino Regulatory Authority of Singapore
  • CRD
    Competition and Resilience Development
  • CRM
    Customer Relationship Management
  • CRO
    Criminal Records Office
  • CRO
    Chief Records Officer
  • CRO
    Chief Risk Officer
  • CRS
    Call Report System
  • CS
    Corporate Services
  • CS Card
    Civil Service Card
  • CSA
    Cyber Security Agency of Singapore
  • CSC
    Civil Service College
  • CSCP
    Civil Service Computerisation Plan
  • CSDM
    Complex Systems Design and Management
  • CSG
    Cyber Security Group
    Computer Security Incident Response Teams
  • CSP
    Career Support Programme
  • CSP
    Cloud Service Provider
  • CSP
    Common Service Provider
  • CSS
    Customer Satisfaction Survey
  • CST
    Central Standard Time USA
  • CST
    China Standard Time
  • CTA
    Call To Action
  • CTE
    Central Expressway
  • CTMO
    Clusters and Technology Management Office
  • CTO
    Chief Technology Officer
  • CTR
    Click Through Rate
  • CTS
    Central Technical Services
  • Customs
    Singapore Customs
  • Cvg
  • CV
    Contract Variation
  • CWC
    Cyber Watch Centre
  • CWP
    Cut Waste Panel
  • CWP
    Content Web Platform
  • CentEx
    Centre of Excellence
  • CapCen
    Capability Centre
  • CoL
    Collaborative Learning
  • D&D
    Dinner and Dance
  • D3
    Digital Design and Development
  • DA
    Demand Aggregation
  • DAPG
    Data Analytics Practice Group
  • DC
    Data Centre
  • DC
    Developing Contributor
  • DC
    Direct Contracting
  • DC
    Development Charge
  • DC
    Distribution Centre
  • DCE
    Deputy CEO
  • DCI
    Digital Cinema Initiatives
  • DCS
    Document Collaboration Service
  • DDUT
    Dumont d'Urville Time
  • DE
    Digital Economy
  • DEF
    Digital Economy Framework
  • DES
    Data Encryption Standard
    Digital Economy Smart Services Architecture
  • DEX
    Samsung Desktop Experience
  • DfMA
    Design for Manufacturing and Assembly
  • DFS
    Domain, Functional, Specialist
  • DGB
    Digital Government Blueprint
  • DGE
    Director-General Education
  • DH
    Department Head
  • DIC
    Deputy In Charge
  • DIC
    DSTA Integrated Complex
  • DISC
    A Personality Type Analysis used by HR
  • DISG
    Digital Industry Singapore
  • DLP
    Digital Learning Platform
  • DLT
    Distributed Ledger Technology
  • DM
    Directors Meeting
  • DMP
    Data Management Platform
  • DOS
    Department of Statistics
  • DPC
    Development Planning Committee
  • DPI
    Deep Packet Inspection
  • DR Plan
    Disaster Recovery Plan
  • DRB
    Digital Readiness Blueprint
  • DRD
    Data and Resilience Department
  • DRE
    Daily-Rated Employee
  • DRM
    Data Reference Model
  • DRMS
    Digital Record Management System
  • DRO
    Division Records Officer
    Distortions, Rumours, Untruths, Misinformation, and Smears
  • DS
    Deputy Secretary
  • DSA
    Direct School Admission
  • DSAI
    Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
    Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Department
  • DSD
    Designated Specialised Department
  • DSG
    Design Singapore Council
  • DSL
    Digital Services Lab
  • DSLC
    Digital Services Lab Cluster
  • DSP
    Deputy Superintendent of Police
  • DSRC
    Dedicated Short Range Communications
  • DSS
    Digital Service Standards
  • DSTA
    Defence Science and Technology Agency
  • DT
    Design Thinking
  • DU
    Dwelling Unit
  • DWP
    Digital Workplace
  • DWPO
    Digital Workplace Programme Office
  • DWT
    Digital Workplace Transformation
  • EAP
    Employment Adjustment Programme
  • EASE
    Enterprise ProActive Support Environment
  • EAT
    East Africa Time
  • EC
    Establishment Committee
  • ECDA
    Early Childhood Development Agency
  • ECM
    Emergency Planning and Crisis Management
  • ECRM
    Electronic Customer Relationship Management
  • ECT
    Eastern Caribbean Time
  • ED
    Economy Drive
    Economy Drive- InfoComm Technology P Working Committee
  • EDB
    Economic Development Board
  • EDG
    Enterprise Development Grant
  • EDP
    Enterprise Data Platform
  • EDT
    Eastern Daylight Time
  • EES
    Employee Engagement Survey
  • EES
    Employee Self Service
  • EET
    Eastern European Time
  • EFMA
    Employment of Foreign Manpower Act
  • EGT
    Eastern Greenland Time
  • EIP
    Ethnic Integration Policy
  • EIT
    Eastern Indonesian Time
  • EIU
    Economist Intelligence Unit
  • ELD
    Elections Department Singapore
  • EMA
    Energy Market Authority
  • EMS
    Entrepass Management System
  • EOD
    End of Day
  • EOL
    End of Life
  • EOM
    Expenditure of Manpower
  • EP
    Emergency Preparedness
  • EP
    Employment Pass
  • EPC
    E-payments Committee
  • EPO
    ePolicy Ochestrator
  • EPOL
    Employment Pass Online
  • EPP
    Endpoint Protection
  • EPPU
    Expenditure and Policies Procurement Unit, MOF
  • EPS
    Electronic Public Services
  • EPV
    Estimated Procurement Value
  • ERP
    Enterprise Resource Planning
  • ERP
    Electronic Road Pricing
  • ESDP
    Electronic Services Delivery Programme
  • ESG
    Enterprise Singapore
  • ESG
    Environmental, Social and Governance
  • EST
    Eastern Standard Time USA
  • ESub
  • Sub
  • ETA
    Electronic Transactions Act
  • ETD
    Educational Technology Division
  • ETMS
    Enterprise Threat Management Service
  • ETPL
    Exploit Technologies Pte Ltd
  • EUCD
    End-user Computing Device
  • EUSH
    End User Self-Help Portal
  • EVP
    Employee Value Proposition
  • EVS
    Enterprise Voice Service
    Excellence Through Continuous Enterprise and Learning
  • EXCO
    Executive Committee
  • F&B
    Food and Beverage
  • FAA
    Financial Approving Authority
  • FAQ
    Frequently Asked Questions
  • FBO
    Facilities Based Operators
  • FCC
    Functional Competency Courses
  • FCM
    Finance Circular Minutes
  • FEC
    Future Economy Committee
  • FEPO
    For entertainment purpose only
  • FFE
    File and Folder Encryption
  • FFLP
    Friendly Faces, Lively Places Fund, HDB
  • FGD
    Focus Group Discussion
  • FICA
    Countering Foreign Interference
  • FIN
    Foreign Identification Number
  • FIPG
    Finance, Investment and Procurement Group
  • FISH
    EFficient RetrIeval of Shared Know-How
  • FJT
    Fiji Time
  • FKST
    Falkland Islands Summer Time
  • FLE
    Field Level Encryption
  • FLEX
    Flexible Benefits Program
  • FNC
    Finance Cluster
  • FNT
    Fernando de Noronha Time
  • FNV
    Fax and Voice
  • FOH
    Friends of Our Heartlands
  • FP1
    Fusionopolis 1
  • FPE
    Format Preserving Encryption
  • FRC
    Fast Response Car
  • FRS
    File Registry System
  • FSC
    Full-time School Counsellor
  • FTA
    Free Trade Agreement
  • FTNS
    Full-Time National Service
  • FWIW
    For What It's Worth
  • FY
    Financial Year
  • FYNA
    For Your Necessary Action
  • G2B
    Government to Business
  • G2G
    Government to Government
  • G2C
    Government to Citizens
  • GATS
    General Agreement on Trade in Services
  • GCC
    Government on Commercial Cloud
    Government Chief Digital Technology Officer
  • GCHE
    Government Compliant Hosting Environment
  • GCP
    Google Cloud Platform
  • GCSO
    Government Cyber Security Operations
  • GDC
    Government Data Centre
  • GDO
    Government Data Office, SNGDO
  • GDPR
    General Data Protection Regulation, European Union
  • GDS
    Government Data Strategy
  • GDS
    Government Digital Service
  • GDSC
    Government Data Steering Committee
  • GDSG
    Government Digital Services Group
  • GEMS
    Government Electronic Mail System
  • GEN
    Government Enterprise Network
  • GET
    Georgia Standard Time
  • GFE
    Government Furnished Equipment
  • GFI
    Government Furnished Information
  • GFT
    French Guiana Time
  • GH
    Group Head
  • GIAS
    Government Internet Access Service
  • GICS
    Government Infrastructure Cybersecurity Services
  • GIG
    Government Infrastructure Group, GovTech
  • GIMI
    Government Integrated Messaging Infrastructure
  • GITD
    Group IT Division
  • GITD
    Group IT Department
    Government IT Security Incident Response, GovTech
  • GLCs
    Government-linked Companies
  • GLS
    Grocery Logistics Singapore
  • GLS
    Government Land Sales
  • GMNet
    Government Managed Network
  • GMT
    Greenwich Mean Time
  • GNA
    Good Neighbour Award
  • GNOC
    Government Network Operations Centre
  • GOA
    Government Online Asset
  • GPA
    Government Procurement Agreement
  • GPAA
    Grants and Projects Approving Authority
  • GPC
    Government Parliamentary Committee
  • GPC
    Government Private Cloud
  • GPE
    Government Procurement Entities
  • GPO
    Group Policy
  • GPP
    E-Government Policies and Programmes
  • GRL
    Grass Roots Leaders
  • GS
    Government Systems
  • GSOC
    Government Security Operations Centre
  • GSS
    Government Security Services
  • GSSO
    Government Standard Software Package
    Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound
  • SBI
    Situation, Behaviour, Impact
  • NRP
    National Robotics Programme
  • S&TPPO
    Science & Technology Policy & Plans Office
  • SA
    Senior Advisor
  • SA
    Special Advisor
  • PPS
    Principal Private Secretary
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Culture, Community and Youth
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Defence and Foreign Affairs
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Digital Development and Information
  • GPC-Education
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Education
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Trade and Industry
  • GPC-Health
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Health
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Home Affairs and Law
  • GPC-Manpower
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Manpower
  • GPC-ND
    Government Parliamentary Committee for National Development
  • GPC-SF
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Social and Family Development
  • GPC-SE
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Sustainability and the Environment
  • GPC-Transport
    Government Parliamentary Committee for Transport
  • FCF
    Fair Consideration Framework
    Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices
  • GST
    Gulf Standard Time
  • GST
    Goods and Services Tax
  • GTM
    Google Tag Manager
  • GUT
    Gateway Utility Tier, AIAS
  • GVG
    Governance Group, GovTech
  • GWS-X
    Government Web Services Exchange
  • GYT
    Guyana Time
  • Gcloud
    Government Cloud
  • GeBIZ
    Government Electronic Business
  • Gssp
    Government Security Service
  • H1H2H3
    Horizon 1/2/3
  • HADR
    High Availability Disaster Recovery
  • HCS
    Head of Civil Service
  • HDB
    Housing and Development Board
  • HITS
    Hub for Internet and Intranet Services
  • HKT
    Hong Kong Time
  • HMG
    Housing Maintenance Group
  • HOD
    Head of Division
  • HOD
    Head of Department
  • HPB
    Health Promotion Board
  • HRL
    HR Leaders and Reps
  • HRLM
    Human Resource Leaders Meeting
  • HRMS
    Human Resource Management System
  • HRP
    HR and Payroll
  • HRPS
    HR and Payroll System
  • HSA
    Health Sciences Authority
  • HST
    HawaiiAleutian Standard Time
  • HTA
    Home Team Academy
  • I2R
    Institute for Infocomm Research
  • IA
    Internal Audit
  • IAA
    Internal Approving Authority
  • IAAS
    Account Application System
  • IAP
    Infocomm Advisory Panel
  • IB
    Initiation Budget
    Interactive Broadband Multimedia
  • ICA
    Immigration and Checkpoints Authority
  • ICM
    Infocomm and Media
  • ICO
    Initial Coin Offering
  • ICT
    Indochina Time
  • ICT
    Information and Communications Technology
  • ICT
    Info Comm Technology
  • ICT
    Intra-Corporate Transferee
    ICT Recovery Point Objective
    ICT Recovery Time Objective
    In Case You Missed It
  • IDG
    InfoComm Discussion Group
  • IDL
    Interface Description Language
  • IDMF
    Integrated Data Management Framework
  • IDP
    Individual Development Plan
  • IDS
    Intrusion detection system
  • IDT
    Israel Daylight Time
  • IE Singapore
    International Enterprise Singapore
  • IEM
    Integrated Environment Modeller
  • IEP
    InfoComm Education Program
  • IFH
    InfoComm Hub
  • IFS
    IDA Industry Feedback Survey
  • IHL
    Institute of Higher Learning
  • ILEs
    Infocomm Local Enterprises
  • IM
    Instruction Manual
  • IM1
    Instruction Manual 1 on Financial Control
  • IM2
    Instruction Manual 2 on Human Resource Management
  • IM3
    Instruction Manual 3 on Procurement
  • IM4
    Instruction Manual 4 on Asset Management
  • IM5
    Instruction Manual 5 on Revenue Contracting
  • IM6
    Instruction Manual 6 on Office Administration
  • IM7
    Instruction Manual 7 on Public Communications and Quality Service
  • IM8
    Instruction Manual 8 on ICT Management
  • IMC
    Inter Ministerial Committee
  • IMC
    International Maritime Centre
  • IMCS
    Instant Messaging and Conferencing Service
  • IMD
    In Mall Distribution
  • IMDA
    Infocomm Media Development Authority
  • IMO
    In My Opinion
  • IMP
    Internal Market Place
  • IOC
    Initial Operational Capability
  • IOC
    Integrated Operations Centre
  • IOC
    Infrastructure Operations Command
  • IP
    Investigation Paper
  • IP
    Intellectual Property
  • IPAM
    Institute of Public Administration and Management
  • IPB
    Individual Performance Bonus
  • IPI
    Intellectual Property Intermediary
  • IPOS
    Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
  • IPRS
    Purchase Requisition System
  • IQA
    Internal Quality Audit
  • IQTs
    Innovation and Quality Teams
  • IRAS
    Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
  • IRDT
    Iran Daylight Time
  • IRST
    Iran Standard Time
    Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
  • ISM
    Information Systems Manager
  • ISMC
    Information Systems Management Committee
  • ISMP
    Infocomm Security Masterplan
  • ISP
    Internet Service Provider
  • ISS
    Internet Surfing Separation
  • IST
    Israel Standard Time
  • IST
    Indian Standard Time
    President's Office, Istana
  • IT
    Integration Tier
  • ITE
    Institute of Technical Education
  • ITM
    Infocomm Media Industry Transformation Map
  • ITQ
    Invitation to Quote
  • ITR
    Infocomm Technology Roadmap
  • ITSC
    Information Technology Standards Committee
  • ITSM
    IT Service Management
  • ITT
    Invitation to Tender
  • IaaS
    Infrastructure as a Service
  • IoT
    Internet of things
  • JD
    Job Description
  • JOC
    Joint Operations Command
  • JOL
    Joy of Learning
  • JOS
    Joint Operations Secretariat
  • JPEG
    Joint Photographic Experts Group
  • JSON
    JavaScript Object Notation
  • JST
    Japan Standard Time
  • KB
    Knowledge Bank
  • KEN
    Knowledge Enterprise Network
  • KIV
    Keep In View
  • KM
    Knowledge Management
  • KMEP
    Knowledge Management Experimentation Programme
  • KPI
    Key Performance Index
  • KPI
    Key Performance Indicator
  • KST
    Korea Standard Time
  • KYC
    Know Your Customer
  • LDA
    Latent Dirichlet Allocation
  • LDAP
    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Over Secure Socket Links
  • LEDP
    Local Enterprise Development Programme
  • LEW
    Licensed Electrical Worker
  • LGTM
    Looks Good To Me
  • LHST
    Lord Howe Standard Time
    Light Detecting and Ranging
  • LINT
    Line Islands Time
  • LLE
    Large Local Enterprise
  • LLP
    Learning for Life Programme
  • LMS
    Learning Management System
  • LOA
    Letter of Approval
  • LOA
    Leave of Absence
  • LOA
    Letter of Award
  • LPS
    Large Panel Slab
  • LRD
    Learning Resource Directory
  • LRS
    Log Retrieval System
  • LTA
    Land Transport Authority
  • LTEA
    Land Transport Excellence Awards
  • LTSS
    Long Term Service Support
  • LUP
    Lift Upgrading Programme
  • LX
    Leadership eXchange
  • MA
    Matters Arising
  • MAC
    Market Adjustment Component
  • MARK
    MediA Relations Knowledge Management System
  • MART
    Marquesas Islands Time
  • MAS
    Monetary Authority of Singapore
  • MAU
    Monthly Active User
  • MBC
    Mapletree Business Center
  • MBIM
    Medical Benefits Identity Memo
  • MC
    Medical Certificate
  • MC
    Management Committee
  • MCCY
    Ministry of Culture, Community And Youth
  • MCF
    My Careers Future
  • MCG
    Multi Company Group
  • MCI
    Ministry of Communications and Information
  • MCIO
    Microsoft Cloud Infrastructure and Operations
    Ministry Chief Information Security Officer
  • MCS
    Mission-Critical Systems
  • MDP
    Minor Development Project
  • MDV
    Minor Development Vote
  • MEST
    Middle European Summer Time
  • MEWR
    Ministry of Environment and Water Resources
  • MFA
    Multi Factor Authentication
  • MFA
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • MFDP
    Ministry Family Digitalisation Plan
  • MHA
    Ministry of Home Affairs
  • MHI
    Managed Hosting Infrastructure
  • MI
    Messaging Infrastructure
  • MI
    Merit Increment
  • MIC
    Manager In Charge
  • MICE
    Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions
    Ministry of Defence
    Ministry of Law
  • MLC
    Micro-Learning Course
  • MM
    Middle Management
  • MMBA
    Ministry Medical Benefits Administrator
  • MMF
    Manpower Management Framework
  • MMT
    Myanmar Standard Time
  • MND
    Ministry of National Development
  • MOCC
    Monitoring and Operations Command Centre
  • MOE
    Ministry of Education
  • MOF
    Ministry of Finance
  • MOH
    Ministry of Health
  • MOI
    Memorandum of Intent
  • MOL
    Moments of Life
  • MOM
    Ministry of Manpower
  • MOS
    Minister of State
  • MOT
    Ministry of Transport
  • MOU
    Memorandum of Understanding
  • MP
    Member of Parliament
  • MPA
    Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore
  • MPDA
    Minimum Pension Drawing Age
  • MPLS
    Multi Protocol Label Switching
  • TEL
    Thomson-East Coast Line
  • NSL
    North South Line
  • CCL
    Circle Line
  • DTL
    Downtown Line
  • NEL
    North East Line
  • EWL
    East West Line
  • Outpro
    Out Processing
  • MPS
    Managed Print Services
  • MRO
    Maintenance Repair Overhaul
  • MRSS
    Media RSS
  • MS
    Mail Service
  • MSF
    Multi Source Feedback
  • MSK
    Moscow Time
  • MSL
    MediShield Life
  • MSM
    Ministerial Staff Meeting
  • MSO
    Medisave-cum-Subsidised Outpatient
  • MSO
    Management Support Officer
  • MSP
    Minimum Service Period
  • MSS
    Management Support Scheme
  • MST
    Malaysia Standard Time
  • MST
    Mountain Standard Time USA
  • MTF
    Multi-Ministry Taskforce
  • MTI
    Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • MUIS
    Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura
  • MUT
    Mauritius Time
  • MVP
    Minimum Viable Product
  • MXOs
    Management Executives
  • MXS
    Management Executive Scheme
  • MaaS
    Mobility as a Service
  • MoP
    Member of Public
  • NCIS
    National Childhood Immunisation Schedule
  • NAC
    National Arts Council
  • NAC
    Network Access Control
  • NAF
    National Authentication Framework
  • NAI
    National Authentication Infrastructure
  • NAIS
    National AI Strategy
  • NAIS 2.0
    National AI Strategy 2.0
  • NAS
    National Archives of Singapore
  • NBN
    National Broadband Network
    National Cybersecurity Incident Response Centre
  • NCMP
    Non-Constituency Member of Parliament
  • NCSC
    National Cable Standards Committee
  • NCSS
    National Council of Social Service
  • NDA
    National Day Award
  • NDA
    Non-Disclosure Agreement
  • NDP
    National Day Parade
  • NDS
    National Data Strategy
  • NDT
    Newfoundland Daylight Time
  • NEA
    National Environment Agency
    Next-Generation Container Architecture
  • NEV
    Net Economic Value
  • NFS
    New Financial System
  • NGC
    NVIDIA GPU Cloud
    Next Generation National Infocomm Infrastructure
  • NGPP2
    National Grid Pilot Platform 2
    Next Generation Wireless Local Area Network
  • NHB
    National Heritage Board
  • NHP
    National Healthy Population
  • NICC
    National Infocomm Competency Centre
  • NII
    National Infocomm Infrastructure
  • NIS
    National Infocomm Scholarship
  • NIST
    National Institute of Standards and Technology
    National IT Literacy Programme
  • NLB
    National Library Board
  • NLP
    Natural-language processing
  • NMP
    Nominated Member of Parliament
  • NOM
    Notice of Meeting
  • NP
    Ngee Ann Polytechnic
    National Parks Board
  • NPL
    No-Pay Leave
  • NPPK
    New Phoenix Park
  • NPT
    Nepal Time
  • NParks
    National Park Board
  • NRF
    National Research Foundation
  • NRFF
    New Rail Financing Framework
  • NRI
    Networked Readiness Index
  • NRIC
    National Registration Identity Card
  • NRP
    Neighbourhood Renewal Programme
  • NSC
    National Speech Corpus
  • NSC
    North-South Corridor
  • NSCS
    National Security Coordination Secretariat
    North-South and East-West Lines
  • NST
    Newfoundland Standard Time
  • NTC
    National Translation Committee
  • NTU
    Nanyang Technological University
    Nanyang Technological University Office of Academic Administration and Services
    Nanyang Technological University Students' Union
  • NUHS
    National University Health System
  • NYC
    National Youth Council of Singapore
  • NYP
    Nanyang Polytechnic
  • NZDT
    New Zealand Daylight Time
  • NZST
    New Zealand Standard Time
  • NcTMC
    National Cybersecurity Threat Monitoring Center
  • NoSQL
    Next Order Structed Query Language
  • OBLS
    Online Business Licensing Services
  • OBS
    Outward Bound Singapore
  • OCR
    Optical Character Recognition
  • OD
    Organisation Development
  • ODC
    Organisation Development Committee
  • ODIN
    Organisational Diagnostic and Intelligence Network
  • ODP
    Overseas Development Programme
  • OECD
    Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation
  • OED
    Organisational Excellence Department
  • OED
    Office Equipment
  • OEM
    Original Equipment Manufacturer
    Online Foreign Worker Address Service
  • OIC
  • OM
    Orientation Module
  • OMA
    Oracle Master Agreement
  • OOB
    Out of Brand
  • OOE
    Other Operating Expenses
  • OOM
    Orders of magnitude
  • OOM
    Out of memory
  • OOO
    Out of Office
  • OPA
    Oracle Policy Automation
  • OPEX
    Operational Expenditure
  • OPS
  • OS
    OneService MSO
  • OSA
    Official Secrets Act
  • OSPO
    Our Singapore Programme Office
  • OSS
    Operational Support Scheme
  • OTP
    One-time password
  • OnePS WP
    One Public Service WorkPlace
  • P2P
  • PA
    People's Association
  • PA
    Personal Assistant
  • PAAS
  • PARL
    Parliament of Singapore
  • PARL Sec
    Parliamentary Secretary
  • PATH
    Pilot And Trial Hotspots
  • PB
    Performance Bonus
  • PB
    Personnel Board
  • PBU
    Prefabricated Bathroom Units
  • PC
    Personal Computer)
  • PCA
    Project Collaboration Agreement
  • PCBT
    PC Bulk Tender
  • PCF
    Position Clarification Form
  • PCP
    Professional Certification Programme
  • PD
    People Development
  • PDA
    Personal Digital Assistant
  • PDD
    Punggol Digital District
  • PDF
    Portable Document Format
  • PDPA
    Personal Data Protection Act
  • PDS
    People Developer Standards
  • PEA
    Performance Enhancement Activities
  • PEA
    Parlimentary Elections Act
  • PEAP
    Performance Enhancement Action Plan
    Personal EnRichment Kit for Staff
  • PET
    Peru Time
  • PG
    Practice Group
  • PG
  • PG
    Policy Group
  • PGT
    Papua New Guinea Time
  • PHOT
    Phoenix Island Time
  • PI
    Promotion Increment
  • PIC
    Person in-charge
  • PII
    Personally Identifiable Information
  • PIP
    Performance Improvement Plan
  • PIP
    PSD Internal Posting
    Productivity and Innovation eXperienced via EmaiL
  • PKI
    Public Key Infrastructure
  • PKT
    Pakistan Standard Time
  • PM
    Project Manager
  • PM2S
    People Matters Management System
  • PMD
    Personal Mobility Device
  • PME
    Professionals, Managers and Executives
  • PMET
    Professionals, Managers, Executives, and Technicians
  • PMO
    Prime Minister's Office
  • PMP
    Project Management Plan
  • PMP
    Project Management Professional
  • PMP
    People Management Plan
  • PMS
    Performance Management System
  • PO
    Project Officer
  • PO
    Purchase Order
  • POC
    Point of Contact
  • POC
    Proof of Concept
  • POD
    Proof of Delivery
  • PODH
    Public Officer Data Hub
    Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act
  • POG
    People and Organisation Group
    Public Officers Group Insurance Scheme
  • POH
    Political Office Holder
  • POI
    People of Interest
    Prisons Operations and Rehabilitation System
  • POS
    Point of Sale
    Public Officers Working to Eliminate Red-Tape
  • PP
    Protection Profile
  • PPC
    Public Policy Challenge
  • PPC
    Pay Per Click
  • PPCR
    Pre and Post Course Review Form
  • PPRF
    Performance Planning and Review Form
  • PPVC
    Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction
  • PQA
    Planning and Quality Assurance
  • PR
    Public Relations
  • PR
    Purchase Requisition
  • PR
    Purchase Request
    Performance Recognition Incentive to Manage and Motivate Excellence
  • PRIS
    Plastics and Rubber Institute of Singapore
  • PRP
    Performance Review Process
  • PS
    Permanent Secretary
  • PS21
    Public Service for the 21st Century
  • PSC
    Public Service Commission
  • PSC Gateway
    PSC Gateway System
  • PSD
    Public Service Division
    Public Sector Data Security Review Committee
  • PSIC
    Public Service Innovation Challenge
  • PSIF
    Public Sector InfoComm Forum
  • PSIP
    Public Service Induction Programme
    Public Sector ICT Review Committee
    People Sector Infocomm Resource Centre
  • PSIS
    Public Sector Infocomm Seminar
    Public Sector InfoComm Steering Committee
  • PSL
    Public Service Leadership
  • PSM
    Premium Services Manager
  • PSMP
    PSC Scholars Mid-Course Programme
  • PSO
    People Sector Organisation
  • PSST
    Public Service Survey Tool
  • PST
    Public Service Transformation
  • PST
    Philippine Standard Time
  • PST
    Public Sector Transformation
  • PST
    Pacific Standard Time USA
  • PSW
    Public Service Week
  • PSi
    Public Sector InfoComm
  • PT
    Penetration Test
  • PTC
    Public Transport Council
  • PUB
    PUB, The National Water Agency
  • PYST
    Paraguay Summer Time
  • PYT
    Paraguay Time[8]
  • PaC@Gov
    Pay and Claims at Government
  • PaaS
    Platform as a Service
  • PdM
    Product Manager
  • PenTest
    Penetration Testing
  • PgM
    Programme Manager
  • PrEA
    Presidential Elections Act
  • QA
    Quality Audit
  • QAA
    Quotation Approving Authority
  • QM
    Quality Management
  • QMS
    Quality Management System
  • QSM
    Quality Service Management
  • QSM
    Quality Service Manager
  • QSMO
    Quality Service Manager Office
  • QoS
    Quality of Service
  • R&P
    Ranking and Promotion
  • RACI
    Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed
  • RBS
    Resource Booking System
  • RBS
    Room Booking System
  • RCA
    Research Collaboration Agreement
  • RDD
    Resume Driven Development
  • RE
    Register of Electors
  • RF
    Reinvestment Fund
  • RFC
    Request For Concept
  • RFI
    Request for information
  • RFP
    Request For Proposal
  • RFQ
    Request For Quotation
  • RIO
    Reference Interconnection Offer
  • RM
    Risk Management
  • RM
    Records Management
  • RM
    Resource Management
  • RMF
    Robotics Middleware Framework
  • RMF
    Risk Management Framework
  • RMM
    Risk Management Methodology
  • RMT
    Records Management Team
  • RO
    Reporting Officer
  • ROH
    Remaking Our Heartland programme
  • ROI
    Return on Investment
  • ROM
    Registry of Marriages
  • ROS
    Robotics Operating System
  • ROTT
    Rothera Research Station Time
  • RP
    Republic Polytechnic
  • RPA
    Robotic Process Automation
  • RPCA
    Robust Principal Component Analysis
  • RPG
    Research and Planning Group
  • R&D
    Research and Development
  • R&T
    Research and Technology
  • RPO
    Recovery Point Objective
  • RSAF
    Republic of Singapore Airforce
  • RSN
    Republic of Singapore Navy
  • RSS
    Retirement Sum Scheme
  • RSS
    Rich Site Summary
  • RSS
    Really Simple Syndication
  • RTI
    Real-Time Innovations
  • RTO
    Recovery Time Objective
  • SA
    Solution Architect
    South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  • SAC
    Singapore Accountancy Commission
  • SAF
    Singapore Armed Forces
  • SAMi
    Salary Administration Interactive
  • SAP
    Systems,Applications and Products: German enterprise software company
  • SAR
    Staff Appraisal Report
  • SAST
    South African Standard Time
  • SBB
    Subject Based Banding
  • SBD
    Security By Design
  • SBO
    Services Based Operations
  • SBRM
    Strategic Budget Review Meeting
  • SCB
    Science Centre Board
  • SCDF
    Singapore Civil Defence Force
  • SCE
    Singapore Cooperation Enterprise
  • SCM
    SNDGO Circular Minutes
    Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises
  • SCS
    Singapore Computer System
  • SCS
    Singapore Computer Society
  • SCS
    Security Compliance Service
  • SCS
    South China Sea
  • SCT
    Seychelles Time
  • SDC
    Singapore Dental Council
  • SDF
    Skills Development Fund
  • SDL
    Skills Development Levy
  • SDL
    Self-Directed Learning
  • SDLC
    Software Development Life Cycle
  • SDRP
    Singapore Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
  • SE
  • SE2
    Secure Email 2
  • SEA
    South East Asia
  • SEAB
    Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board
  • SEC
    Security and Emergency Planning Office
    Sentosa Development Corporation
  • SEO
    Search Engine Optimisation
  • SERS
    Selective En-bloc Redevelopment Scheme
  • SEV 1
    Severity 1
  • SFA
    Singapore Food Agency
  • SFDC
    Social and Family Development Cluster
  • SFO
    Strategic Futures Office
  • SFTP
    Secured File Transfer Protocol
  • SG DRM
    Singapore Government Data Reference Model
    Singapore Geospatial Collaborative Environment
  • SG TRM
    Singapore Government - Technology Reference Model
  • SG-EPP
    Endpoint Protection Service
    SG-Mail Instant Messaging and Conferencing Service
  • SG-SDS
    Software Distribution Service
  • SG-TRM
    Singapore Government Technology Reference Modal
  • SGDI
    Singapore Government Directory
    Singapore Government Electronic Messaging System
  • SGMS
    Singapore Government MetaData Standards
    Singapore Government Network
  • SGO
    Silver Generation Office
  • SGQR
    Singapore Quick Response Code
  • SGTM
    Sounds Good To Me
  • SGTS
    Singapore Government Technology Stack
  • SHA
    Secure Hash Algorithm
    Service Wide Hosting Environment
  • SHIP
    Secure Hybrid Integrated Pipeline
  • SI
    Salary Increment
  • SI
    System Integrator
  • SIC
    Staff In Confidence
  • SIEM
    Security Information and Event Management
    Secure Internetworking Environment using Virtual Private Network
  • SIGs
    Special Interest Groups
  • SII
    Significant Information Infrastructure
    Singapore Indian Development Association
    Singapore Department of Statistics
  • SIOT
    Sensors and IoT
  • SIRM
    Security Incident Response Manager
  • SIRO
    Security Incident Response Officer
  • SIT
    System Integration Testing
  • SITF
    Singapore Iinformation Technology Federation
  • SIU
    Service Improvement Unit
  • SKU
    Stock Keeping Unit
  • SLA
    Singapore Land Authority
  • SLA
    Service Level Agreement
  • SLF
    Senior Leadership Forum
  • SLF
    Singapore Labour Foundation
  • SLM
    Senior Level Management
  • SLM
    Senior Leadership Meeting
  • SLS
    Student Learning Space
    Student Learning Space Pedagogical Scaffold
  • SLST
    Sri Lanka Standard Time
  • SMC
    Singapore Medical Council
    Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • SME
    Small and Medium Enterprise
  • SME
    Subject Matter Expert
  • SMM
    Senior Management Meeting
  • SMR
    Senior Management Retreat
  • SMS
    Standard Market Solution
  • SMS
    Senior Minister of State
  • SMile
    Service - Going the extra MILE
  • SNDG
    Smart Nation Digital Government
    Smart Nation and Digital Government Group
    Smart Nation and Digital Government Office
  • SNIW
    Smart Nation Innovations Week
  • SNOC
    Singapore National Olympic Council
  • SNP
    Strategic National Project
  • SNPC
    Singapore National Paralympic Council
  • SNS
    Social Network Site
  • SOA
    Service-Oriented Architecture
  • SOAP
    Simple Object Access Protocol
  • SOAR
    Security Operations, Automation and Response
  • SOC
    Special Operations Command
  • SOE
    Standard ICT Operating Environment
  • SOLL
    Smart Office Living Lab
  • SOM
    Service and Ops Management
  • SOP
    Standard Operating Procedure
  • SOW
    Statement of Work
  • SOW
    Scope of Work
  • SOW
    Scheme of Work
  • SP
    Standard Products
  • SP
    Singapore Polytechnic
  • SPCP
    Singapore Prisons Emergency Action Response
    Security Policy Enforcement and regulation
  • SPF
    Singapore Police Force
  • SPIS
    Supplier Performance Information System
  • SportSG
    Sport Singapore
  • SPRC
    Security Policy Review Committee
  • SPS
    Senior Parliamentary Secretary
  • SPS
    Singapore Prison Service
  • SPS
    Singapore Public Service
  • SPSL
    Senior Public Service Leaders
  • SQA
    Singapore Quality Award
  • SQC
    Singapore Quality Class
  • SQL
    Structured Query Language
  • SRT
    Suriname Time
  • SSD
    Standard Stamp Duty
  • SSEB
    Safety, Security and Emergency Branch
  • SSG
    SkillsFuture Singapore
  • SSH
    Secure Shell
    Social Service ICT Program Office
  • SSO
    Singapore Symphony Orchestra
  • SSOT
    Single Source of Truth
  • SSS
    Staff Suggestion Scheme
  • SSSO
    Senior Specialist Staff Officer
  • SST
    Samoa Standard Time
  • SST
    Singapore Standard Time
  • ST
    Singapore Technologies
  • STA
    Short Term accommodation
    State Courts Singapore
  • STB
    Singapore Tourism Board
  • STFP
    SSH File Transfer Protocol
  • STG
    Sectoral Transformation Group
  • FOMO
    Fear of Missing Out
    Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, Elevation of Privilege
  • SUD
    Senior User Dialogue
  • SUH
    Smart Urban Habitat
  • SVIP
    Smart Visa for Identification with Passport
  • SVP
    Small Value Purchase
  • SWG
    Secure Walled Garden
  • SWOT
    Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
  • SWP
    Strategic Workforce Plan
  • SWP
    Service Wide Programme
  • SWTA
    Service Wide Technical Architecture
  • SY
    Scholarship Year
  • SaaS
    Software as a service
  • Spml
    Service Provisioning Markup Language
  • TAA
    Tender Approving Authority
  • TAC
    Threat Analysis Centre
  • TAF
    Technical Architectural Forum
  • TAL
    Token Assisted Login
  • TAS
    Telecommunication Authority of Singapore
  • TASS
    Training Award and Sponsorship Scheme
  • TAT
  • TBA
    To Be Advised
  • TBC
    To Be Confirmed
  • TBD
    To Be Detailed
  • TBN
    To Be Notified
  • IFM
    Integrated Facilities Management
  • AFM
    Aggregated Facilities Management
  • IWF
    Integrated Workforce
  • IWF
    International Women's Forum
  • IWD
    International Women's Day
  • TCP/IP
    Tranmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
  • TEC
    Tender Evaluation Committee
  • TEP
    Technology Experimentation Program
  • TERR
    Tender Evaluation Recommendation Report
  • TG
    Training Guidance
  • TGIF
    Thank God It's Friday
  • THA
    Thailand Standard Time
  • TIC
    Trade and Industry Cluster
  • TIG
    Technology Infrastructure Group
  • TIH
    Tourism Information and Services Hub
  • TIL
    Today I Learned
  • J1
    Personnel department of Joint Staff
  • J2
    Intelligence department of Joint Staff
  • J3
    Operations department of Joint Staff
  • J4
    Logistics department of Joint Staff
  • J5
    Plans department of Joint Staff
  • G1
    Personnel branch of Army
  • G2
    Intelligence branch of Army
  • G3
    Operations branch of Army
  • G4
    Logistics branch of Army
  • G5
    Plans branch of Army
  • G6
    Training branch of Army
  • S1
    Manpower officer
  • S2
    Intelligence officer
  • S3
    Operations officer
  • S4
    Logistics officer
  • TKT
    Tokelau Time
  • TLDR
    Too Long, Didnt Read
  • TLP
    Total Learning Plan
  • TLS
    Telecom Licensing System Portal
  • TLT
    Timor Leste Time
  • TM
    Tamil Murasu
  • TMI
    Too Much Information
  • TMS
    Transportation Management System
  • TMS
    Talent Management System
  • TMT
    Tenant Management Tier, AIAS
  • TNP
    The New Paper
  • TNS
    Training Nomination System
  • TO
    Transformation Office
  • TOP
    Temporary Occupation Permit
  • TOR
    Terms of Reference
  • TOT
    Tonga Time
  • TP
    Temasek Polytechnic
  • TRA
    Threat Risk Assessment
    The Repository of MHA Enterprise Architecture
  • TRL
    Technology Readiness Level
  • TRT
    Turkey Time
  • TS
    Technical services
  • TSC
    Technical Services Consultant
  • TSF
    Transformation Support Fund
  • TSM
    Technical Services Manager
  • TT
  • TTDS
    Translation Talent Development Scheme
  • TTX
    Table Top Exercise
  • TeNHP
    Technology Enabled National Healthy Population
  • UAT
    User Acceptance Test
  • UC
    Usability Checklist
  • UEN
    Unique Entity Number
  • UI
    User Interface
    Ulaanbaatar Summer Time
  • ULO
    University Liaison Officer
  • UMTS
    Universal Mobile Telephone Service
    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
  • UP
    Unsatisfactory Performer
    Uplifting Pupils in Life and Inspiring Families Taskforce
  • URA
    Urban Redevelopment Authority
  • URL
    Uniform Resource Locator
  • USB
    Universal Serial Bus
  • USZ1
    Kaliningrad Time
  • UTC
    Coordinated Universal Time
  • UX
    User Experience
  • UYST
    Uruguay Summer Time
  • UYT
    Uruguay Standard Time
  • UZT
    Uzbekistan Time
  • VA
    Value Added
  • VA
    Vulnerability Assessment
  • VAPT
    Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
  • VAS
    Values and Attitudes Survey
  • VB
    Variable Bonus
  • VC
    Variable Component
  • VDC
    Virtual Design and Construction
  • VDS
    Vaccination-Differentiated Safe Management Measures
  • VET
    Venezuelan Standard Time
  • VFM
    Virtual File Manager
  • VIA
    Values in Action
  • VIS
    Visual Identity System
  • VLAT
    Vladivostok Time
  • VM
    Virtual Machine
  • VMS
    Visitor Management System
  • VOIP
    Voice Over Internet Protocol
  • VPA
  • VPC
    Virtual Private Cloud
  • VPIS
    Vendor Performation Information System
  • VPN
    Virtual Private Network
  • VPPW
    Volunteer Public Path Warden
  • VR
    Virtual Reality
  • VTL
    Vaccinated Travel Lane
  • VUCA
    Volatile Uncertain Complex and Ambiguity
  • VWO
    Voluntary Welfare Organisation
  • WAF
    Web Application Firewall
  • WAST
    West Africa Summer Time
  • WAT
    West Africa Time
  • WBN
    Wireless Broadbank Network
    Walk Cycle Ride Singapore
  • WDA
    Singapore Workforce Development Agency
    Web Services Add Value to Enterprise
  • WEF
    World Economic Forum
  • WEST
    Western European Summer Time
  • WET
    Western European Time
  • WHAM
    Website High Availability Monitoring
  • WIP
    Work In Progress
  • WIS
    Web Interface Standards
  • WIT
    Western Indonesian Time
    World IT and Services Alliance
  • WLTD
    Work Learn Technical Diploma
    Whole-of-Government Strategic Outcomes
  • WPC
    Workforce Planning and Capabilities
  • WR/DF
    Work Review/Development Form
  • WSH
    Workplace Safety and Health
  • WSMC
    Whole of Government Sensor Master Planner Committee
  • WSQ
    Workforce Skills Qualification
  • WST
    Western Standard Time
  • WTE
    Waste to Energy
  • WTO
    World Trade Organisation
    What You See is What You Get
  • YAKT
    Yakutsk Time
  • e-BIDS
    e-Business Industry Development Scheme
  • e-Celebrations
    An annual e-lifestyle campaign
  • eGAP
    e-Government Action Plan
  • eGPC
    eGovernment Policy Committee
  • eIMS
    Enterprise Information Management System
  • gSMS
    Government Short Message Service
  • i-Caf
    Innovation Caf
  • iAMS
    GovTech's Asset Management System
  • iLIUP
    Infocomm Local Industry Upgrading Programme
  • iN 2015
    Intelligent Nation 2015
  • iTRAIN
    Infocomm Training Resources And Incentives on the Net
  • FWP
    Future Workplace
  • SDD
    Service Delivery Division
    ADMM Cybersecurity and Information Centre of Excellence
  • ACGS
    Assistant Chief of the General Staff
  • AIC
    Army Information Centre
  • ALP
    Action Learning Process
  • AMB
    Army Maintenance Base
  • AQI
    Al-Qaeda in Iraq
  • Army Int
    Army Intelligence
  • ASSeT
    Accompanying Sea Security Team
  • ATEC
    Army Training Evaluation Centre
  • BAR
    Before Activity Review
  • BHAG
    Big Hairy Audacious Goal
  • BMT
    Basic Military Training
  • BMTC
    Basic Military Training Centre
  • BP
    Battle Procedure
  • CCF
    Community Care Facility
  • CO
    Commanding Officer
  • COU
    Critical Ops Unit
  • COVID-19
    Coronavirus Disease-2019
  • CRF
    Community Recovery Facility
  • CSM
    Company Sergeant Major
    Combat Service Support Tech Support Team
    Combat Service Support Command
    Combat Service Support Task Force
  • CTC
    Contact Tracing Centre
  • DAR
    During Activity Review
  • DFC
    Data Fusion Centre
  • DJO
    Director of Joint Operations
    Disease Outbreak Response System Condition
  • DSO
    DSO National Laboratories
  • DTC
    Defence Technology Community
  • EHTF
    Emergency Housing Task Force
  • FAST
    Forward Assurance and Support Team
  • FCC
    Fitness Conditioning Centre
  • FDL
    Forward Deployment Laboratories
  • FSG
    Forward Support Group
  • HQ AMS
    HQ Army Medical Services
  • HQ MES
    HQ Maintenance and Engineering Support
  • HRP
    Home Recovery Programme
  • HRTG
    Home Recovery Task Group
  • HSTF
    Health Surveillance Task Force
  • ICT
    In-Camp Training
  • IPPT
    Individual Physical Proficiency Test
  • IPT
    IPPT Preparatory Training
  • JOD
    Joint Operations Department
  • JTF(A)
    Joint Task Force (Assurance)
  • JSM
    Joint Strategic Meeting
  • MO
    Medical Officer
  • MOTF
    Medical Operations Task Force
  • MRTT
    Multi-Role Tanker Transport
  • MSF
    Ministry of Social and Family Development
  • MSOC
    MINDEF-SAF Operations Complex
  • MSS
    Mobile Swab Station
  • MWC
    Migrant Worker Centre
  • MWCM
    Migrant Worker Conveyance Monitoring
  • NCID
    National Centre for Infectious Diseases
  • NGO
    Non-Governmental Organisation
  • NS FIT
    NS Fitness Improvement Training
  • OC
    Officer Commanding
  • P2HA
    Phase 2 Heightened Alert
  • PBD
    Purpose-Built Dormitory
  • PCR
    Polymerase Chain Reaction
    Rim of the Pacific Exercise
  • RT
    Remedial Training
  • SAR
    Singapore Armoured Regiment
  • SARS
    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
  • SCE
    Singapore Combat Engineers
  • SHN
    Stay-Home Notice
  • SIB
    Singapore Infantry Brigade
  • SIR
    Singapore Infantry Regiment
  • SMM
    Safe Management Measures
  • ULT
    Ultra Low Temperature
  • VUCA-D
    Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous and Disruptive
  • WoG
  • WoN
  • 11B
    11 Basic Information
  • 5BX
    5 Basic Exercises
  • SOC
    Standard Obstacle Course
  • DPG
    Defence Policy Group
  • DPO
    Defence Policy Office
  • DPO
    Director, Policy
  • MCO
    MINDEF Communications Office
  • ICAO
    International Civil Aviation Organization
  • DMG
    Defence Management Group
  • MP Div
    Manpower Division
  • DFO
    Defence Finance Organisation
  • DCTD
    Digital and Corporate Transformation Division
  • LS
    Legal Services
  • MTxO
    MINDEF Transformation Office
  • DCO
    Defence Cyber Organisation
  • FSTD
    Future Systems and Technology Directorate
  • TSPO
    Technology Strategy and Policy Office
  • DCTO
    Defence Technology Collaboration Office
  • IRPO
    Industry and Resources Policy Office
  • MSD
    MINDEF Security Department
  • GCSD
    Group Chief Service Delivery
  • QSXD
    Quality Service Experience Department
  • SMXD
    Service Management Experience Department
  • PSDO
    People Services Digital Office
  • PMR
    Performance Management Report
  • ESS
    MINDEF Employee Self Service
  • OSN
    Ops Support Net
  • DTTA
    Defence Technology Tower A
  • DTTB
    Defence Technology Tower B
  • PIR
    Post-Implementation Review
  • AAR
    After Action Review
  • BAR
    Before Action Review
  • DAR
    During Action Review
  • POEM
    People Operations and Estate Management
  • GRPO
    Gombak Redevelopment Project Office
  • MCSD
    MINDEF Corporate Services Department
  • UDA
    Unit Delegated Administrator
    Unit Corporate IT Officer
  • MHRD
    MINDEF Human Resource Department
  • ARC
    Army Recruitment Centre
  • AFRC
    Air Force Recruitment Centre
  • NRC
    Navy Recruitment Centre
    SAF Volunteer Corps
  • CMPB
    Central Manpower Base
    Human Resource Shared Services Centre
  • ASI
    Army Safety Inspectorate
  • AFI
    Air Force Inspectorate
  • SSC
    Salary Services Centre
  • MTD
    MINDEF Travel Desk
  • SMC
    System Management Centre
  • CCO
    Camp Commandant Office
  • POD
    People Operations Department
  • MMI
    Military Medical Institute
  • SCC
    SAF Counselling Centre
  • NSCC
    NS Call Centre
  • MFU
    MINDEF Feedback Unit
  • CESP
    Centre of Excellence for Soldier Performance
    Personnel Command
  • HQMC
    Headquarters Medical Corps
  • NSPD
    National Service Policy Department
  • MPPD
    Manpower Policy Department
  • MCIO
    MINDEF Chief Information Office
  • RIE
    Research, Innovation and Enterprise
  • TL@NTU
    Temasek Laboratories at NTU
  • NSCC
    National Supercomputing Centre
  • HPC
    High Performance Computing
  • QSMC
    Quality Service Management Committee
  • GOM
    General Orders of MINDEF
  • MTM
    Moments that Matter
  • E-HR
  • COP
    Community of Practice
  • CSAT
    Customer Satisfaction
  • FNC
    Financial Services Centre
  • CES
    Customer Effort Score
  • PMC
    Personnel Management Centre
  • KRAG
    Knowledge Research and Archives Group
  • ESB
    Employee Services Branch
  • EITB
    Employee IT Branch
    Heuristic Electronic Request Management
  • TOA
    Term of Absence
    Whole-of-Government Application Analytics
  • OCS
    Organisation Climate Survey
  • IDMS
    Identity Document Management System
  • iTRAMS
    Integrated Travel Management System
  • iWADS
    Integrated Welfare Applications and Disbursement System
  • M-Building
    MINDEF HQ at Bukit Gombak
  • JMPD
    Joint Manpower Division
  • ORD
    Operationally Ready Date
  • DTG
    Defence Technology Group
  • CDF
    Chief of Defence Force
  • POH
    Political Office Holders
  • SM
    Senior Minister
  • ESM
    Emeritus Senior Minister
  • MM
    Minister Mentor
  • DMP
    Director, Manpower
  • VADM
    Vice Admiral
  • CAF
    Chief of Air Force
  • COA
    Chief of Army
  • CNV
    Chief of Navy
  • TOP
    Table of Precedence
  • IGD
    Inspector General's Office
  • MRO
    MINDEF-related Organisations
  • OKR
    Objectives and Key Results
  • LO
    Liaison Officer
  • LOI
    Letter of Instruction
    Situation Report
    Logistics Report
    Spot Report
  • MRO
    Media Relations Officer
  • MRE
    Meal, Ready to Eat
    Navigation Exercise
  • FFI
    Fitness for Instruction
  • GEN
  • LG
  • MG
  • RADM
  • BG
  • SLTC
    Senior Lieutenant Colonel
  • LTC
    Lieutenant Colonel
  • MAJ
  • CPT
  • LTA
  • 2LT
    2nd Lieutenant
  • OCT
    Officer Cadet
  • CWO
    Chief Warrant Officer
  • SWO
    Senior Warrant Officer
  • MWO
    Master Warrant Officer
  • 1WO
    1st Warrant Officer
  • 2WO
    2nd Warrant Officer
  • 3WO
    3rd Warrant Officer
  • MSG
    Master Sergeant
  • SSG
    Staff Sergeant
  • 1SG
    1st Sergeant
  • 2SG
    2nd Sergeant
  • 3SG
    3rd Sergeant
  • CFC
    Corporal 1st Class
  • LCP
    Lance Corporal
  • CPL
  • REC
  • PTE
  • ADM
  • MIDS
  • ME9
    Military Expert 9
  • ME8
    Military Expert 8
  • ME7
    Military Expert 7
  • ME6
    Military Expert 6
  • ME5
    Military Expert 5
  • ME4
    Military Expert 4
  • ME4-T
    Military Expert 4-Trainee
  • ME4-A
    Military Expert 4-Apprentice
  • ME3
    Military Expert 3
  • ME2
    Military Expert 2
  • ME1
    Military Expert 1
  • ME1-T
    Military Expert 1-Trainee
    Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  • ARF
    ASEAN Regional Forum
  • ADMM
    ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting
  • ASC
    ASEAN Security Community
  • East Asian Summit
    East Asian Summit
  • EWG
    Expert Working Group
  • HADR
    Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
  • RHCC
    Regional Humanitarian Assistance and Coordination Centre
  • CTF 151
    Combined Task Force 151
  • ISAF
    International Security Assistance Force
  • SLD
    Shangri-La Dialogue
  • EEZ
    Exclusive Economic Zone
  • FON
    Freedom of Navigation
  • S-Net
    Secret Network
  • ADIZ
    Air Defence Identification Zone
    Sino-Singapore Knowledge City
  • CSNS
    Committee to Strengthen National Service
  • NSF
    Full-time National Servicemen
  • ORNS
    Operationally Ready National Service
  • MS
    Maritime Security
  • CT
  • PKO
    Peacekeeping Operations
  • MM
    Military Medicine
  • ADI
    ASEAN Direct Communications Infrastructure in the ADMM Process
  • GMI
    ADMM Guidelines for Maritime Interaction
  • LSF
    Logistics Support Framework
  • AMRG
    ASEAN Militaries Ready Group
    Multinational Coordination Centre Standard Operating Procedures
  • AOE
    ASEAN Our Eyes
  • CBR
    Chemical, Biological and Radiological
  • APCN
    ASEAN Peacekeeping Centres Network
  • ACMM
    ASEAN Centre of Military Medicine
  • AMMC
    ASEAN Military Medicine Conference
  • ACDN
    ASEAN Cyber Defence Network
  • ADIC
    ASEAN Defence Industry Collaboration
  • AETEs
    ADMM-Wide Training and Education Exchanges
    ASEAN Defence Educational Institutions' Collaboration
  • ADIP
    ASEAN Defence Interaction Programmes
  • GAME
    Guidelines for Air Military Encounters
  • AMM
    ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
  • DG
  • SC
    Strategic Communications
  • IO
    International Organisations
  • IE
    International Economics
  • SEA I
    Southeast Asia I
  • SEA II
    Southeast Asia II
  • ASN
  • ANZP
    Australia, New Zealand and The Pacific
  • AM
  • CON
  • EUR
  • ME
    Middle East
  • NEA
    Northeast Asia
  • SAA
    South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa
  • TC
    Technical Co-Operation
  • IAD
    Internal Audit Department
  • HC
    Human Capital
  • HC
    High Commissioner
  • Amb
    Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City
  • SIP
    Suzhou Industrial Park
  • WCS
    World Cities Summit
    Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize
  • OGP
    Open Government Products
  • HFPG
    Hack for Public Good
  • AGCC
    Artificial Intelligence Government Cloud Cluster
  • GovTech
    Government Technology Agency
  • HTX
    Home Team Science and Technology Agency
  • AFE
    Authority Furnished Equipment
  • AOE
    Approval of Expenditure
  • AOP
    Approval Of Purchase
  • BYOD
    Bring Your Own Device
  • MCC
    MINDEF Commercial Cloud
  • PC
    Programme Centres
    Order of Battle
  • OSIT
    Ops Support Information Technology
  • DFL
    Digital for Life
  • PGP
    Pioneer Generation Package
  • PR
    Permanent Residency
  • PSI
    Public Service Infrastructure
  • MSHL
    MediShield Life
  • PWM
    Progressive Wage Model
  • NTUC
    National Trades Union Congress
  • NIE
    National Institute of Education
  • IO
    Information Officer
  • IO
    Intelligence Officer
  • IO
    Investigating Officer
  • GEO
    General Education Officer
  • SEO
    Senior Education Officer
  • PGDE
    Postgraduate Diploma in Education
  • DipEd
    Diploma in Education
  • MRSD
    Manpower Research and Statistics Department
  • NAFA
    Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
  • ISC
    ITE Skills Certificate
  • CDAC
    Chinese Development Assistance Council
  • CDC
    Community Development Council
  • CLFS
    Comprehensive Labour Force Survey
  • CPI
    Consumer Price Index
  • CSSW
    Clerical, Sales and Service Workers
  • e2i
    Employment and Employability Institute
  • GCE
    General Certificate of Education
  • ILO
    International Labour Organisation
  • OJT
    On-the-Job Training
  • PSLE
    Primary School Leaving Examination
    Production and Transport Operators, Cleaners and Labourers
  • SSEC
    Singapore Standard Educational Classification
  • SSIC
    Singapore Standard Industrial Classification
  • SSOC
    Singapore Standard Occupational Classification
  • WIS
    Workfare Income Supplement
  • WISE
    Worker Improvement through Secondary Education
  • WPLN
    Workplace Literacy and Numeracy
  • WSG
    Workforce Singapore
  • WSP
    Workfare Special Payment
  • BTO
  • DBSS
    Design, Build and Sell Scheme
  • CPF
    Central Provident Fund
  • HFE
    HDB Flat Eligibility
  • MGPS
    Multi-Generation Priority Scheme
  • PPHS
    Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme
  • SHG
    Special CPF Housing Grant
  • AHG
    Additional CPF Housing Grant
  • EHG
    Enhanced CPF Housing Grant
  • JSS
    Joint Singles Scheme
  • PRS
    Public Rental Scheme
  • TLS
    Temporary Loan Scheme
  • FSHS
    Fresh Start Housing Scheme
  • LBS
    Lease Buyback Scheme
  • PHG
    Proximity Housing Grant
    CPF Housing Grant
  • SLF
    Short Lease 2-Room Flexi Flats
  • MSE
    Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment
  • MDDI
    Ministry of Digital Development and Information
  • SNG
    Smart Nation Group
  • NAIG
    National AI Group
  • AISG
    AI Singapore
  • PDPC
    Personal Data Protection Commission
    Government Cyber Security Operations Centre
    Government Incident Reporting and Operations Centre
  • RCA
    Root Cause Analysis
  • GSIB
    Government Standard Image Build
  • DGP ID
    Digital Governance Platform ID
  • SE
    Secured Email
  • GMD
    Government Managed Device
    Secured Email GSIB
  • SEED
    Security Suite for Engineering Endpoint Devices
  • IAM
    Identity and Access Management
  • SSO
    Single Sign-On
  • EPP
    Engineering Productivity Programme
  • AAD
    Azure Active Directory
  • SGDS
    Singapore Government Design System
  • SG-DCS
    Singapore Government Document Collaboration Service
  • ISF
    Information Sensitivity Framework
  • TC
    Trusted Centre
  • OTG
    One Talent Gateway
  • CAM
    Central Account Management
  • TIVO
    Temps, Interns, Vendors, Others
  • O&M
    Operations and Management
  • ADEX
    Asynchronous Data Exchange
  • CFT
    Cloud File Transfer
  • CVX
    Cloud Video Exchange
  • CStack
    Container Stack
  • DIAB
    Data Infrastructure in a Box
  • SLSA
    Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts
  • CI/CD
    Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
  • SIaC
    Secure Infrastructure-as-Code
  • MDM
    Mobile Device Management
  • VAS
    Video Analytics System
    AI Document Parser
  • APEX
    API Exchange
    Device management, Control And Data Acquisition system
  • NDI
    National Digital Identity
  • SBF
    Singapore Business Federation
  • DOSS
    Digital Operations Smart Services
  • I2C
    Infrastructure to Code
  • MASH
    Mobile Application Security Hygiene
  • OA
  • ODP
    Open Digital Platform
  • SAM+
    Sensor Asset Management
  • SNOC
    Smart Nation Operation Centre
  • SNSP
    Smart Nation Sensor Platform
  • VICA
    Virtual Intelligent Chat Assistant
  • VMS
    Vulnerability Management System
  • IDSC
    ICT and Digitalisation Steering Committee
  • HICs
    Hostile Information Campaigns
  • FI
    Foreign Interference
  • FICA
    Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Act
  • PSP
    Politically Significant Person
  • CEC
    Central Executive Committee
  • RFPD
    Registry of Foreign and Political Disclosures
  • GARO
    Group Assistant Returning Officer
  • SARO
    Senior Assistant Returning Officer
  • RO
    Returning Officer
  • ARO
    Assistant Returning Officer
  • DARO
    Deputy Assistant Returning Officer
  • SPO
    Senior Presiding Officer
  • PO
    Presiding Officer
  • Secy
  • EBRC
    Electoral Boundaries Review Committee
  • ELD
    Elections Department
  • MX
    Management Executive
  • HASE
    Home Affairs Senior Executive
  • SPSL
    Senior Public Service Leadership
  • PSLP
    Public Service Leadership Programme
  • AVC
    Annual Variable Component
  • YIS
    Years in Service
  • PM
    Prime Minister
  • Min
  • PSO
    Personal Security Officer
  • PSO
    Police Supervision Order
  • SID
    Security and Intelligence Department
  • ISD
    Internal Security Department
  • M-BLK
    MINDEF Building
    Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute
  • GD
    Group Director
  • SD
    Senior Director
  • MDC
    Management Development Course
  • SMP
    Senior Management Programme
  • MAP
    Management Associate Programme
  • CENS
    Centre of Excellence for National Security
  • RSIS
    S Rajaratnam School of International Studies
  • SUTD
    Singapore University of Technology and Design
  • SIT
    Singapore Institute of Technology
  • SUSS
    Singapore University of Social Sciences
    SIM Global Education
  • FFL
    Families for Life
  • CFF
    Centre for Fathering
    Eat With Your Family Day
  • GCMC
    Group Chief, MINDEF Communications
  • GCPS
    Group Chief, Policy and Strategy
  • KRAD
    Knowledge Research and Archives Department
  • DDS
    Digital Defence Symposium
  • IDSS
    Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies
  • DPP
    Direct-Entry-Scheme to Polytechnic Programme
  • DPP
    Deputy Public Prosecutor
  • APP
    Assistant Public Prosecutor
  • CCMS
    Criminal Case Management System
  • PTC
    Pre-Trial Conference
  • PG
    Plead Guilty
  • TIC
    Taken Into Consideration
  • SICC
    Singapore International Commercial Court
  • CJ
    Chief Justice
  • PBM
    Pingat Bakti Masyarakat
  • PPA
    Pingat Pentadbiran Awam
  • BBM
    Bintang Bakti Masyarakat
  • PK
    Pingat Kepujian
  • PBS
    Pingat Bakti Setia
  • PB
    Pingat Berkebolehan
  • PJG
    Pingat Jasa Gemilang
  • DUBC
    Darjah Utama Bakti Cemerlang
  • DUNU
    Darjah Utama Nila Utama
  • PGP
    Pingat Gagah Perkasa
  • SOF
    Statement of Facts
  • METL
    Mission Essential Task List
  • SDE
    So Drama! Entertainment
  • ADC
  • C2
    Command and Control
  • C3
    Command, Control, and Communications
  • C3I
    Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence
  • C4
    Command, Control, Communications, and Computers
  • C4I
    Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
  • CAH
    Concurrent Appointment Holder
  • CCO
    Camp Commandant Officer
  • NOC
    Network Ops Centre
  • SOC
    Security Ops Centre
  • CTF
    Commander, Task Force
  • CTG
    Commander, Task Group
  • DA
    Defence Attache
  • DAO
    Defence Attache Office
  • DTCO
    Defence Technology Collaboration Office
  • DOB
    Date of Birth
  • DOE
    Date of Enlistment
  • DR
    Defence Relations
  • Des
  • FIR
    Flight Information Region
  • TSIB
    Transport Safety Investigation Bureau
  • ANSP
    Air Navigation Services Provider
  • SSP
    State Safety Programme
  • NASP
    National Aviation Safety Plan
  • ANA
    Air Navigation Act
  • ANO
    Air Navigation Order
  • ANS
    Air Navigation Services
  • ANR
    Air Navigation Regulations
  • AIS
    Aeronautical Information Service
  • CAMB
    Civil Aviation Medical Board
  • IFP
    Instrument Flight Procedure
  • NASC
    National Aviation Safety Committee
  • SAR
    Singapore Airworthiness Requirement
  • SAR
    Search and Rescue
  • CFE
    Committee on the Future Economy
  • CSIP
    Council for Skills, Innovation, and Productivity
  • FI
    Financial Institution
  • SSA
    Social Service Agency
  • PSEI
    Post-Secondary Education Institutions
  • AIC
    Agency for Integrated Care
  • MOHH
    MOH Holdings
  • PGO
    Pioneer Generation Office
  • SDA
    Safe Distancing Ambassador
  • AAC
    Active Ageing Centre
  • AI
    Accredited Investor
  • IAW
    In Accordance With
  • ICU
    Intensive Care Unit
  • IDAP
    Individual Development Action Plan
  • ADP
    Appraisal and Development Plan
  • PMR
    Performance Management Review
  • IMS
    Information Management System
  • OT
    Operational Technology
  • JTF
    Joint Task Force
  • KAH
    Key Appointment Holder
  • NOK
    Next of Kin
  • InfoSec
    Information Security
  • OpSec
    Operational Security
  • PC
    Principal Consideration
  • PKO
    Peacekeeping Operation
  • POT
    Period of Tension
  • QA
    Quality Assurance
  • ROA
    Route of Advancement
  • ROE
    Rules of Engagement
  • SAR
    Staff Assessment Report
  • SLOC
    Sea Lines of Communication
    Freedom of Navigation Operation
    United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
  • HDI
    Human Development Index
  • OCHA
    United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
  • SO
    Staff Officer
  • SASE
    Secure Access Service Edge
  • WAN
    Wide Area Network
  • LAN
    Local Area Network
  • Zulu
    Zulu Time Zone
  • GOH
    Guest of Honour
  • GOH
    Guard of Honour
  • BCU
    Best Combat Unit
  • BUC
    Best Unit Competition
  • SAF
    Sustainable Aviation Fuel
    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • MDES
    Military Domain Experts Scheme
  • GBAD
    Ground Based Air Defence
  • FPDA
    Five Power Defence Arrangements
  • HRC
    Human Rights Council
  • SCP
    Singapore Cooperation Programme
  • SIDS
    Small Island Developing States
  • TPP
    Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • TPPA
    Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
    Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement
    Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • IAI
    Initiative for ASEAN Integration
  • ICJ
    International Court of Justice
  • UNSC
    United Nations Security Council
    Agreement between New Zealand and Singapore on a Closer Economic Partnership
    Japan-Singapore Economic Partnership Agreement
  • EFTA
    European Free Trade Association
    US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
  • ReCAAP
    Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia
  • AMED
    Asia-Middle East Dialogue
  • CECA
    Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
    Korea-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
  • AEP
    ASEAN-US Enhanced Partnership
  • Cebu Declaration
    Cebu Declaration on the Acceleration of the Establishment of an ASEAN Community by 2015
  • IMO
    International Maritime Organization
  • AEC
    ASEAN Economic Community
    China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
  • APEC
    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • NAM
    Non-Aligned Movement
  • GATT
    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  • TAC
    Treaty of Amity and Cooperation
  • CRC
    Cost Review Committees
  • CSC
    Committee on Singapore’s Competitiveness
  • EC
    Economic Committee
  • ERU
    Economic Research Unit
  • ERC
    Economic Review Committee
  • ESC
    Economic Strategies Committee
  • NCB
    National Computer Board
  • IDA
    Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore
  • MRT
    Mass Rapid Transit
  • BCM
    Bus Contracting Model
  • ERM
    Enterprise Risk Management
  • ERM
    Enterprise Resource Management
  • LTMP 2040
    Land Transport Master Plan 2040
  • LTMP 2013
    Land Transport Master Plan 2013
  • MP
    Master Plan
  • CDB
    Central Digitalisation Budget
  • YMMV
    Your Mileage May Vary
  • NIR
    Net Investment Returns
  • NII
    Net Investment Income
  • AY
    Academic Year
  • WY
    Work Year
  • Tekong
    Pulau Tekong
  • RCS
    Registry of Co-operative Societies
  • AGM
    Annual General Meeting
  • AFS
    Audited Financial Statements
  • CAR
    Capital Adequacy Ratio
  • CCF
    Central Co-operative Fund
  • SNCF
    Singapore National Co-operative Federation
  • MLA
    Minimum Liquid Assets
  • RI
    Restricted Investments
  • SI
    Special Investments
  • JSS
    Jobs Support Scheme
  • CG
    Cash Grant
  • ESC
    Emerging Stronger Conversation
  • ACLC
    Annual Co-operative Leaders' Conference
  • PSGA
    Public Sector (Governance) Act
  • GDA
    Government Data Architecture
  • GDA 2.0
    Government Data Architecture 2.0
  • IM8 PDM
    Government Instruction Manual Policy on Data Management
  • DG Exco
    Digital Government Executive Committee
  • COC
    Commissioner of Charities
  • IPC
    Institution of a Public Character
    Foreign Fund-Raising Permits
  • CC
    Charity Council
  • CCF
    Charities Capability Fund
  • SGC
    Safer Giving Campaign
  • CTA
    Charity Transparency Awards
  • CGA
    Charity Governance Awards
  • SSI
    Shared Services Initiative
    Government IT Incident Management Committee
  • NVPC
    National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre
  • VTC
    Video teleconferencing
  • SPED
    Special Education
  • InSP
    Inclusive Support Programme
  • GPPL
    Government-Paid Paternity Leave
  • GPML
    Government-Paid Maternity Leave
  • EI
    Early Intervention
  • EA
    Executive Assistant
  • DS-LS
    Development Support-Learning Support
  • DS-Plus
    Development Support-Plus
    Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children
  • ADL
    Activities of Daily Living
  • TFR
    Total Fertility Rate
  • HHSC
    House to House and Street Collections
  • YCLP
    Youth Corps Leaders Programme
    Public Sector Taking the Lead in Environmental Sustainability
  • CEA
    Circular Economy Approach
  • ECLO
    Early Closure Late Opening
  • GWP
    Global Warming Potential
  • RSA
    Resource Sustainability Act
  • SNP
    SolarNova Programme
  • SLE
    Super Low Energy
  • CCRS
    Centre for Climate Research Singapore
  • ASMC
    ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre
  • RCBP
    Regional Capability Building Programme
  • SHD
    Singapore Height Datum
  • CAP
    Climate Action Package
  • IPCC
    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  • GFA
    Gross Floor Area
  • MEPS
    Minimum Energy Performance Standards
  • MELS
    Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme
  • GIP
    Green Investments Programme
  • LEDS
    Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy
  • NDC
    Nationally Determined Contribution
    Inter-Ministerial Committee on Climate Change
  • CCUS
    Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage
  • GHG
    Greenhouse Gas
  • CO2e
    Carbon Dioxide Equivalent
    Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
    United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  • DDoS
    Distributed Denial of Service
  • CSFC
    Civil Service FutureCraft
  • NSE
    National Scenarios Exercise
  • APFN
    Asia-Pacific Futurists Network
  • SSEZ
    Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
  • DE
    Digital Embassies
  • VS
    Virtual Singapore
  • SFN
    Strategic Futures Network
  • SFO
    Strategic Futures Officer
  • FSD
    Future Systems Directorate
  • FSD
    Full Scale Development
  • O&S
    Operations and Support
  • PS
    Public Service
  • ASMR
    Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response
  • BERD
    Business Expenditure on R&D
    Full-time Postgraduate Research Student
  • FTE
    Full-time Equivalence
  • OOE
    Other Operating Expenditure
  • PG
    Post Graduate
    Public Expenditure on R&D
  • IED
    Improvised Explosive Device
  • RSE
    Research Scientists and Engineers
  • CP
    Commissioner of Police
  • DCP
    Deputy Commissioner of Police
  • AC
    Assistant Commissioner of Police
  • SAC
    Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police
  • PNS
    Police National Service
  • ASCom
    Anti-Scam Command
  • SFC
    Sexual Crime and Family Violence Command
  • PLRD
    Police Licensing and Regulatory Department
  • VSC
    Volunteer Special Constabulary
  • IRT
    In-Situ Response Team
    Public Order Tactical Response Van
  • BWC
    Body Worn Cameras
  • WCAG
    Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
  • PT Wearables
    Physical Training Wearables
  • NPC
    Neighbourhood Police Centre
  • CID
    Criminal Investigation Department
  • FATF
    Financial Action Task Force
  • ACIP
    Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Industry Partnership
  • PBI
    Post-Blast Investigation
    Home Team School of Criminal Investigation
    Criminal Investigation Case Management System
  • STG
    Shell Traffic Games
  • SSWG
    Safety and Security Watch Group
  • PSA
    Public Spiritedness Awards
  • CPA
    Community Partnership Awards
  • SPEO
    Scam Public Education Office
  • EMS
    Emergency Medical Services
  • CFS
    Central Fire Station
  • PGFS
    Punggol Fire Station
  • ASCS
    Automated Supply Chain Systems
  • AMS
    Automated Medical Store
  • eMedCab
    Electronic Medical Cabinet
  • NUH
    National University Hospital
    Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • SKGH
    Sengkang General Hospital
  • USAR
    Urban Search and Rescue
    International Search and Advisory Group
    Pro-Enterprise Panel-Singapore Business Federation
    Singapore-Global Firefighters & Paramedics Challenge
    First Responders Safety and Performance Symposium
  • ADMW
    ASEAN Disaster Management Week
  • ACDM
    ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management
  • AEDs
    Automated External Defibrillators
  • LEP
    Lifesavers’ Emergency Point
  • GreenGov.SG
    Green Government Singapore
  • STF
    Sustainability Taskforce
  • SOTC
    Sustainable Operations and Training Committee
  • ePL
    Electric Pump Ladder
  • EBSC
    Emergency Behavioural Sciences and Care Unit
  • OLC
    Operation Lionheart Contingent
  • PES
    Pro-Enterprise Survey
  • EUI
    Energy Utilisation Index
  • EV
    Electric Vehicle
  • HFCs
  • NZGI
    Net Zero Government Initiative
  • Green Plan
    Singapore Green Plan 2030
  • ESMS
    Environmental Sustainability Management System
  • JTC
    JTC Corporation
  • VOC
    Volatile Organic Compound
  • IGLS
    Industrial Government Land Sales
  • YRSG
    Yellow Ribbon Singapore
  • PE
    Precision Engineering
  • SF
    Singapore Precision Engineering and Technology Association
  • TAP
    Train and Place
  • WL
    Workplace Learning
  • EmPS
    Employment Preparation Scheme
  • FPG
    FairPrice Group
  • STAR
    Skills Training Assistance to Restart
    Skills Training Assistance to Re-start
  • TransCom
    Public Transport Security Command
  • YRF
    Yellow Ribbon Fund
  • YRP
    Yellow Ribbon Project
  • YR Race
    Yellow Ribbon Race
  • DLM
    Digital Literacy Masterplan
  • CTE
    Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercises
  • YRI
    Yellow Ribbon Industries Pte Ltd
  • MHT
    Mental Health Talk
  • AJA
    Art Jamming Activity
  • DART
    Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team
    Yellow Ribbon Community Arts Festival
  • NAMS
    National Addiction Management Service
    Industrial and Services Co-operative Society Ltd
  • HTVN
    Home Team Volunteer Network
  • SCA
    Singapore Chefs' Association
  • CHF
    CapitaLand Hope Foundation
  • TB
    Tote Board
  • PDE
    Preventive Drug Education
  • SDSR
    Singapore Drug Situation Report
  • WDR
    World Drug Report
  • MDA
    Misuse of Drugs Act
    National Council Against Drug Abuse
  • NPS
    New Psychoactive Substances
  • YDA
    Youth Drug Abusers
  • YES
    Youth Enhanced Supervision
  • DRC
    Drug Rehabilitation Scheme
  • NCC
    New Clearance Concept
  • SCNG
    Services Centre Next-Generation
  • ABCS
    Automated Border Control System
  • MyICA
    MyICA Mobile Application
  • SGAC
    Singapore Arrival Card
  • CDSA
    Confiscation of Corrupt Proceeds Act
    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
    Customs Satisfaction Index of Singapore
  • OOH
  • T&L
    Training and Learning
  • SC
    Singapore Customs
  • VT
    Virtual Training
  • HOT
    Hands-on Training
  • SDTP
    Service Delivery Training Plan
  • TSC
    Tech Sustainment Centre
    Singapore Government Services Football League
  • NTM
    Notice To Move
  • Defco
    Defence Committee of Cabinet
  • RAM
    Risk Assessment Management
  • VDP
    Vulnerability Disclosure Program
  • SPL
    Singapore Premier League
  • NSA
    National Sport Associations
  • FAS
    Football Association of Singapore
  • SpEx
    Sports Excellence
  • SNWF
    Singapore National Wushu Federation
  • SAA
    Singapore Athletics Association
  • SBA
    Singapore Badminton Association
  • BAS
    Basketball Association of Singapore
  • SBF
    Singapore Bowling Federation
  • SABA
    Singapore Amateur Boxing Association
  • SCF
    Singapore Canoe Federation
  • SCA
    Singapore Cricket Association
  • SCF
    Singapore Cycling Federation
  • SDBA
    Singapore Dragon Boat Association
  • SFA
    Singapore Fencing Association
  • SGA
    Singapore Golf Association
  • SG
    Singapore Gymnastics
  • SHF
    Singapore Hockey Federation
  • JFS
    Judo Federation of Singapore
  • NS
    Netball Singapore
  • SRU
    Singapore Rugby Union
  • SSF
    Singapore Sailing Federation
  • SSA
    Singapore Shooting Association
  • SSA
    Singapore Swimming Association
  • STTA
    Singapore Table Tennis Association
  • STF
    Singapore Taekwondo Federation
  • STA
    Singapore Tennis Association
  • TAS
    Triathlon Association of Singapore
  • VAS
    Volleyball Association of Singapore
  • SWF
    Singapore Weightlifting Federation
    Singapore Wushu Dragon & Lion Dance Federation
    CPF Lifelong Income For the Elderly
  • MGP
    Merdeka Generation Package
  • MSA
  • HPS
    Home Protection Scheme
  • DPS
    Dependants' Protection Scheme
  • SEP
    Self-Employed Person
  • CSHL
    CareShield Life
  • ESH
  • MP
    Majulah Package
  • CPFV
    CPF Volunteering Programme
  • NDAI
    National Day Awards Investiture
  • NDOC
    National Day Observance Ceremony
  • ESB
    Earn and Save Bonus
  • RSB
    Retirement Savings Bonus
  • MSB
    MediSave Bonus
  • NHG
    National Healthcare Group
  • SingHealth
    Singapore Health Services
  • IP
    Integrated Shield Plan
  • SSS
    Silver Support Scheme
    CPF Investment Scheme
  • GP
    General Practitioner
  • IPS
    Institute of Policy Studies
  • LTV
  • HIP
    Home Improvement Programme
  • CCA
    Community Care Apartments
  • CCA
    Co-Curricular Activity
  • IDD
    Integrated Digital Delivery
  • VDC
    Virtual Design Construction
  • PRF
    Public Rental Flats
  • SDM
    Sustainable Design and Manufacturing
  • AMR
    Autonomous Mobile Robots
  • PV
    Solar Photovoltaic
  • CTP
    Construction Transformation Project
  • PND
    Punggol Northshore District
  • MNH
  • CIB
    Community In Bloom
  • GEB
    Gifted Education Branch
  • CAP
    Creative Arts Programme
    Humanities and Social Sciences Research Programme
  • IvP
    Innovation Programme
  • MPP
    Moot Parliament Programme
  • PX Challenge
    Problem X Challenge
  • SMP
    Science Mentorship Programmes
  • SRP
    Science Research Programme
  • TC
    Response, Early intervention, Assessment in Community Mental Health
  • CCE
    Character and Citizenship Education
  • SDE
    Student Development Experience
  • ECG
    Education and Career Guidance
  • FTGP
    Form-Teacher Guidance Periods
  • HHF
    Holistic Health Framework
  • SEL
    Social and Emotional Learning
  • AG
  • AMP
    Association of Muslim Professionals
  • CBP
    Changi Business Park
  • EdTech
    Educational Technology
  • CSN
    CPF Submission Number
  • ABSD
    Additional Buyer's Stamp Duty
  • CDA
    Children Development Accounts
  • BRS
    Basic Retirement Sum
  • FRS
    Full Retirement Sum
  • DRC
    Dependency Ratio Ceiling
  • ERS
    Economic Restructuring Shares
  • ERS
    Enhanced Retirement Sum
  • U-Save
  • IUP
    Interim Upgrading Programme
  • MUP
    Main Upgrading Programme
  • KiFAS
    Kindergarten Fee Assistance Scheme
  • GD
    Growth Dividends
  • Edusave
    Education Endowment Fund Scheme
    National Service Housing, Medical and Education Award
  • FM
    Frequency Modulation
  • PDLP
    Personalised Digital Learning Programme
  • ESPS
    Edusave Scholarships for Primary Schools
  • ESSS
    Edusave Scholarships Secondary Schools
  • EMB
    Edusave Merit Bursary
  • GPA
    Good Progress Award
  • ECHA
    Edusave Character Award
  • ESA
    Edusave Skills Award
    Achievement Awards for Special Education Students
  • CEAS
    Community Education Award Scheme
  • OFG
    Opportunity Fund Grants
  • ISS
    Independent and Specialised Schools
  • IJCI
    Independent Junior Colleges/Institutions
  • GAS
    Government-Aided Schools
  • TE
    Technical Education
  • PSES
    Post-Secondary Education (PSE) Scheme
  • JCS
    Jobs Credit Scheme
  • LLEF
    Lifelong Learning Endowment Fund
  • OF
    Opportunity Fund
  • PSOF
    Preschool Opportunity Fund
  • FAS
    Financial Assistance Schemes
  • ISB
    MOE Independent School Bursary
    Special Education Financial Assistance Scheme
  • HECB
    Higher Education Community Bursary
  • HEB
    Higher Education Bursary
  • PIC
    Productivity and Innovation Credit
  • SRS
    Supplementary Retirement Scheme
  • TDSR
    Total Debt Servicing Ratio
  • WCS
    Wage Credit Scheme
  • WBS
    Workfare Bonus Scheme
  • ESS
    Employability Skills System
  • YCS
    Youth Corps Singapore
  • WSP
    Work Support Programme
  • JRP
    Job Re-creation Programme
  • CFAC
    Centre-based Financial Assistance Scheme for Child Care
  • HOPE
    Home Ownership Plus Education
  • CCT
    ComCare Transitions
  • RP
    Resilience Package
  • SIRD
    Security Industry Regulatory Department
  • SHGs
    Self-Help Groups
  • SPUR
    Skills Programme for Upgrading and Resilience
  • CET
    Continuing Education and Training
  • DD
    Demand Draft
  • LOA
    Letter of Acceptance
  • PC
    Period Contract
  • EST
    Emerging Stronger Taskforce
  • FEC
    Future Economy Council
  • ITM
    Industry Transformation Map
  • CIF
    Community Isolation Facility
  • ACE
    Agency for Care Effectiveness
  • HCP
    Healthcare Professional
  • MSW
    Medical Social Worker
  • NeMSW
    National Electronic Media Social Work system
  • NEHR
    National Electronic Health Record
  • SWA
    Social Work Assistants
    Applied Suicide Skills & Intervention Training
  • AHPC
    Allied Health Professions Council
  • SNB
    Singapore Nursing Board
  • AHP
    Allied Health Professional
    National Mental Health and Well-Being Strategy
  • NPHS
    National Population Health Survey
    National Mental Health Blueprint
  • CMH
    Community Mental Health Masterplan
  • CoMWT
    COVID-19 Mental Wellness Taskforce
  • CHAS
    Community Health Assist Scheme
  • PCN
    Primary Care Network
  • HSG
    Healthier SG
  • SMHS
    Singapore Mental Health Study
  • KKH
    KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
  • ADS
    Antenatal Depression Screening
    Mental Health General Practitioner Partnership
  • PCN-MH
    Primary Care Network-Mental Health
  • ACE
    Action Community for Entrepreneurship
  • DMHC
    Digital Mental Health Connect
  • NMHO
    National Mental Health Office
  • SED
    Social and Emotional Development
  • CHAT
    Community Health Assessment Team
    Community Intervention Teams
  • BTL
    Beyond the Label
  • WSH Council
    Workplace Safety and Health Council
  • MLC
    Media Literacy Council
  • OCS
    Online Communication Service
  • SSI
    Social Service Institute
  • OSC
    Online Safety Code
  • PUG
    Positive Use Guide
  • SNA
    Singapore Nurses Association
  • APN
    Advanced Practice Nurse
  • SGH
    Singapore General Hospital
  • IMH
    Institute of Mental Health
  • NUP
    National University Polyclinics
  • NUS
    National University of Singapore
    National University of Singapore Students' Union
    National University of Singapore Office of the University Registrar
  • NUS UA
    National University of Singapore University Administration
    National University of Singapore Office of Student Affairs
    National University of Singapore Global Relations Office
  • PCP
    Professional Conversion Programme
  • CPE
    Continuing Professional Education
  • NHGP
    National Healthcare Group Polyclinics
  • LKCMedicine
    Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine
  • CAMH
    Child and Maternal Health & Well-Being
  • SIAG
    Singapore Integrated 24-hour Activity Guidelines
  • WEHS+
    Women’s Emotional Health Service
  • PRAM
    Psychological Resilience in Antenatal Management
  • ProPEL
    Promoting Parental Emotional Health to Enhance Child Learning
  • ICC
    Integrated Checkpoints Command
    Community Resource, Engagement and Support Teams
  • ASD
    Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • ACE
    Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • GDM
    Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
  • PHI
    Public Healthcare Institution
  • RDF
    Rare Disease Fund
  • SDL
    Standard Drug List
  • SDD
    Singapore Drug Dictionary
  • SVL
    Subsidised Vaccine List
  • PMG
    Patient Medication Guide
  • PEM
    Physician Education Material
  • PAC
    Patient Alert Card
  • MAF
    Medication Assistance Fund
  • ATC code
    Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code
  • AYH
    Assistant Year Head
  • EYE
    End of Year Exam
  • FT
    Form Teacher
  • GEP
    Gifted Education Programme
  • HBL
    Home Based Learning
  • ICAS
    International Competitions and Assessments for Schools
  • LBS
    Learning and Behavioural Support
  • LSP
    Learning Support Programme
  • MPS
    Meet the Parents Session
  • MYE
    Mid-Year Exam
    National Physical Fitness Award
  • OLE
    Outdoor Learning Experience
  • PAL
    Programme for Active Learning
  • PAM
    Physical Education, Art and Music Education
  • PE
    Physical Education
  • PERI
    Primary Education Review and Implementation
  • QAR
    Question-Answer Relationship
  • SCC
    Student Care Centre
  • WA
    Weighted Assessment
  • SSD
    School Staff Developer
  • ST
    Senior Teacher
    Strategies for English Language Learning and Reading
  • SWO
    Student Welfare Officer
  • YH
    Year Head
  • SH
    Subject Head
  • AlphaSoc
    Alpha Society
  • TS
    Temasek Society
  • PUQ
    Person Under Quarantine
  • PHPC
    Public Health Preparedness Clinic
  • AA
    Approved Absence
  • ARI
    Acute Respiratory Infection
  • ART
    Antigen Rapid Test
  • CB
    Circuit Breaker
  • eQO
    Electronic Quarantine Order
  • FET
    Fast and Easy Test
  • FLW
    Frontline Workers
  • GQF
    Government Quarantine Facility
  • HA
    Heightened Alert
  • HQO
    Home Quarantine Order
  • HRA
    Health Risk Alert
  • HRW
    Health Risk Warning
  • mRNA
    Messenger Ribonucleic Acid
  • MTF
    COVID-19 Multi-Ministry Task Force
  • PCA
    Periodic Commuting Arrangement
  • PET
    Pre-Event Test
  • QO
    Quarantine Order
  • QOA
    Quarantine Order Allowance
  • RRT
    Rostered Routine Testing
  • RSC
    Regional Screening Centre
  • SASH
    Swab and Send Home Clinic
  • SDEO
    Safe-Distancing Enforcement Officer
  • SDF
    SHN-Dedicated Facilities
  • TToSE
    TraceTogether-only SafeEntry
  • VoRT
    Vaccinate or Regular Test Regime
  • WFH
    Work From Home
    World Health Organization's Emergency Use Listing
  • RTO
    Return to Office
  • WNH
  • ASEAN+3
    ASEAN Plus Three
  • APSC
    ASEAN Political-Security Community
  • ASCC
    ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
    ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment
    Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission
  • ACB
    ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
  • AEPW
    The Alliance to End Plastic Waste
  • AHEG
    Ad Hoc Open-Ended Expert Group on Marine Litter and Microplastics
    ASEAN Working Group on Chemicals and Waste
  • BC
    Basel Convention
  • BC COP
    Basel Convention Conference of the Parties
  • EAS
    East Asia Summit
  • FAO
    UN Food and Agricultural Organisation
  • G20
    Group of Twenty
  • G7
    Group of Seven
  • GEF
    Global Environment Facility
    The Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection
  • ICC
    International Coastal Cleanup
  • ICCS
    International Coastal Cleanup (Singapore)
    Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law
  • INOS
    Institute of Oceanography and Environment
  • IOC
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
    Sub-commission for the Western Pacific of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
  • IUCN
    International Union for Conservation of Nature
    Marine Plastics and Coastal Communities
    International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
  • MEPC
    Marine Environment Protection Committee
    Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia
  • RC3S
    Regional Capacity Centre for Clean Seas
  • SEC
    Singapore Environment Council
  • UNEA
    United Nations Environment Assembly
  • UNEP
    United Nations Environment Programme
  • UNGA
    United Nations General Assembly
  • UN-REN
    Regional Enforcement Network for Chemicals and Waste
    U.S. Agency for International Development
  • WMO
    World Meteorological Organisation
  • WRI
    World Resources Institute
  • WWF
    World Wildlife Fund
  • ECI
    Expert Committee on Immunisation
  • NAIS
    National Adult Immunisation Schedule
  • PSG
    Productivity Solutions Grant
  • MRA
    Market Readiness Assistance
  • SFEC
    SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit
  • BGP
    Business Grants Portal
  • SAC
    Singapore Accreditation Council
  • EFS
    Enterprise Financing Scheme
  • HS Code
    Harmonized System Code
  • VC
    Value Content
  • VA
    Value Add
  • RVC
    Regional Value Content
  • CTC
    Change in Tariff Classification
  • DTDi
    Double Tax Deduction Internationalisation
  • TCI
    Trade Credit Insurance
  • EEG
    Energy Efficiency Grant
  • AIP
  • AR
    Authorised Representative
  • GRT
    Global Ready Talent
  • GRT MA
    Global Ready Talent Management Associate
  • EDBI
    EDB Investments Pte Ltd
  • CTA
    Commodity Trading Act
  • SEEDS Capital
    SEEDS Capital Pte Ltd
  • FAA
    Financial Advisers Act 2001
    Singapore Commodity Exchange
  • SFA
    Securities and Futures Act 2001
  • CTR
    Commodity Trading Regulations 2001
  • CAD
    Commercial Affairs Department
  • ESP
    Enterprise Sustainability Programme
  • HRSD
    Human Resource Systems Department
  • MSC
    MINDEF Scholarship Centre
  • OPC
    Officers' Personnel Centre
  • A*STAR
    Agency for Science, Technology and Research
  • AAFT
    Alternative Aerobic Fitness Test
  • AAMS
    Airspace Allocation Management Section
  • AAS
    Air Admin Services
  • ACC
    Air Combat Command
    Advisory Council on Community Relations in Defence
  • ADF
    Army Deployment Force
  • ADOC
    Air Defence and Operations Command
  • AFIC
    Air Force Information Centre
  • AFNS
    Air Force National Service Branch
  • AFTC
    Air Force Training Command
  • AID
    Air Intelligence Department
  • AL
    Annual Leave
  • AMD
    Air Manpower Department
  • AOF
    Approval of Fund
  • AOL
    Aircraft Obstruction Light
  • AP
    Access Point
  • APD
    Airport Police Division
  • APGC
    Air Power Generation Command
  • ARMR
  • ARMS
    Army Museum of Singapore
  • Athena
    Enterprise Content Management System
  • AVS
    Animal and Veterinary Services
  • BCMO
    Business Continuity Management Office
  • BER
    Beyond Economical Repair
  • BFCC
    Bedok Fitness Conditioning Centre
  • BOA
    Board of Architects
  • C4IT
    Command, Control, Communications, Computer & Information Technology Centres
  • CBRE
    Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosives
  • CCL
    Childcare Leave
  • CCMP
    Central Case Management Portal
  • CHS
    Centre of Heritage Services
  • CMCA
    Computer Misuse and Cybersecurity Act
  • CMTD
    C4I Manpower and Training Department
  • COS-AS
    Chief of Staff - Air Staff
    Computer Security Monitoring and Investigation Centre
  • CRMS
    Customer Relationship Management System
  • CSO
    Customer Service Officer
  • CSO
    COVID Surveillance Officer
  • CSU
    COVID Surveillance Unit
  • CTRC
    Career Transition Resource Centre
  • DLS
    Director of Legal Services
  • DMS
    Defence Merit Scholar
  • DNSA
    Director National Service Affairs
  • DPD
    Defence Psychology Department
  • DS(P)
    Deputy Secretary (Policy)
  • DTT
    Defence Technology Control and Technology Security
  • EBE
    Engagement and Business Excellence
  • ECEF
    Enhanced Career and Education Fair
  • EIR
    Employee Information Report
  • ETI
    Engineering Training Institute
  • FAH
    Financial Appointment Holders
  • FMLB
    Foreign Military Liaison Branch
  • FP
    Feedback Provider
  • FRP
    First Respondent Protocol
  • FJCourts
    Judiciary, Family Justice Courts
  • G8
  • GCM
    General Court Martial
  • HAEL
    Head Air Engineering and Logistics
  • HAM
    Head, Air Manpower Department
  • HAO
    Head of Air Operations
  • Hd CS
    Head (Corporate Services)
  • HJMP
    Head, Joint Manpower Department
  • HLB
    Hotels Licensing Board
  • HNL
    Head, Naval Logistics Department
  • HNP
    Head Naval Personnel Department
  • HRMC
    Human Resource Management Centre
  • HSP
    Health Screening Programme
  • IAC
    Industrial Arbitration Court
  • ID
    Information Directorate
  • IDTI
    Island Defence Training Institute
  • IDTW
    Island Defence Training Wing
  • IFC
    Individual Field Craft
  • IGO
    Inspector-General's Office
  • IKC2
    Information, Knowledge, Command and Control
  • iLBV
    Integrated Load Bearing Vest
  • IMJS
    Integration Military Justice System
  • IMT
    Individual Marksmanship Trainer
  • i-NET
    Interim Net
  • IPP
    Information Policy and Plans
  • ISAC
    Information Security Authentication
  • JCM
    Judge Court Martial
  • JMMB
    Joint Medical Manpower Branch
  • JPTD
    Joint Plans and Transformation Department
  • S7
  • S8
    Manpower OIC for NSmen
  • SAB
    Sembawang Air Base
  • SAF IG
    Singapore Armed Forces Information Group
    Singapore Armed Forces Military Police Command
    The Singapore Armed Forces Mapping Unit
    Singapore Armed Forces Reservist Association
  • SAS
    SAF Advanced Schools
  • SB
    Service Benefits
  • SGEMS+
    Singapore Government Email Messaging System Plus
  • SIO
    Systems Integration Office
    Situational Test
  • SMTI
    SAF Medical Training Institute
  • SPC
    Singapore Pharmacy Council
  • SPVS
    Security and Policing Vocational School
  • SR
    Service Request
  • State Courts’
    Judiciary, State Courts
  • STS
    Supply and Transport School
  • Supct
    Judiciary, Supreme Court
  • SUT
    Security Undertaking Form
  • SWAS
    Specialist and Warrant Officer Advanced School
  • TAB
    Tengah Air Base
    Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board
  • TDS
    Tuas Defence Squadron
  • TPPB
    Training Plans and Policy Branch
    Army Training Doctrine Command
  • TRMC
    Training Resource Management Centre
  • TSG
    Training and Doctrine Command
  • TTW
    Transition to War
  • USO
    Unit Security Officer
  • WOSE
    Warrant Officer, Specialist and Enlistee
  • KFCC
    Khatib Fitness Conditioning Centre
    Kranji Fitness Conditioning Centre
  • LCK
    Lim Chu Kang
  • LOW
    Letter of Warning
  • LSB
    Land Surveyors Board
    Manpower Aptitude Assessment System
  • MCUA
    MINDEF Common User Agency
  • MDO
    MINDEF Despatch Office
  • MDSM
    MINDEF Digital System Meeting
  • MFCC
    Maju Fitness Conditioning Centre
  • MISB
    Materials Induction and Sustainability Branch
  • MJOC
    MINDEF Joint Ops Centre
  • MPB
    Materials Planning Branch
  • MPrB
    Materials Provisioning Branch
  • MRP
    Material Requirement Planning
  • MTS
    Minimum Term of Service
  • NE
    National Education
  • NFA
    No Further Action
  • NIC
    Navy Information Centre
  • NLD
    Naval Logistics Department
  • NMI
    Naval Military Expert Institute
  • NNSB
    Naval National Servicemen
  • NOD
    Naval Operations Department
  • NPD
    Navy Personnel Department
  • NSAD
    National Service Affairs Department
  • NSD
    National Service Directorate
  • NSD
    NS Deserter
    National Service Outreach and Engagement Branch
  • NSPC
    NS Personnel Centre
    National Service Resort and Country Club
    NS Registration and Enlistment Centre
  • NWD
    No Wrong Door
  • OIL
  • OPR
  • P&E
    Performance and Engagement Branch
  • PCC
    Psychological Care Centre
  • PCL
    Parental Care Leave
  • PCM
    Panel Court Martial
  • PEB
    Professional Engineers Board, Singapore
  • PLAB
    Paya Lebar Air Base
  • PLD
    Police Logistics Department
  • PMT
    Project Management Team
  • PTMC
    Pulau Tekong Medical Centre
  • QAB
    Quality Assurance Branch
  • ROVW
    Record of Verbal Warning
  • RSM
    Regimental Sergeant Major
  • NIWG-S
    National Integration Working Group for Schools
  • OMTA
    Oberlausitz Military Training Area
  • IFV
    Infantry Fighting Vehicles
  • eDCA
    Enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement
  • STEM
    Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
  • SgIS
    Singapore-Industry Scholarship
  • SG:D
    Singapore Digital
  • KTLO
    Keeping the Lights On
  • JCC
    Jungle Confidence Course
  • TT
    Temasek Trust
  • TTFA
    TT Foundation Advisors
  • TH
    Temasek Holdings
  • SWF
    Sovereign Wealth Fund
  • TSR
    Total Shareholder Return
  • 1FSS
    1 Finance Shared Services
  • CRIS
    Consortium for Clinical Research and Innovation, Singapore
  • HMPI
    Health and Medical Practice Insurance
  • MOHT
    MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation
  • HSEU
    Healthcare Services Employees’ Union
    Award for Nurses’ Grace, Excellence and Loyalty
  • CCP
    Career Conversion Programme
  • RTN
  • HMA
    Healthcare Merit Award
  • HGSA
    Healthcare Graduate Studies Award
  • INS
    Integrated Nursing Scholarship
  • CCS
    Community Care Scholarship
  • ANS
    Asian Nursing Scholarship
  • SCRP
    Singapore Chief Residency Programme
  • FRCT
    First Response Care Team
  • NCCS
    National Cancer Centre Singapore
  • WHC
    Woodlands Health Campus
    Kallang Polyclinic and Long Term Care
  • CRM
    COVID-19 Resilience Medal
  • CRC
    COVID-19 Resilience Certificate
  • TWPW
    Tripartite Workgroup for the Prevention of Abuse and Harassment of Healthcare Workers
    Tripartite Framework for the Prevention of Abuse and Harassment in Healthcare
  • PCC
    President’s Certificate of Commendation (COVID-19)
  • INOP
    International Nurse Onboarding Programme
  • VH
    Vanguard Healthcare
  • RTS Link
  • CIQ
    Customs, Immigration and Quarantine
  • HSR
    High Speed Rail
  • ELMeRS
    Electronic Licensing Medical Records System
  • ATC
    Air Traffic Controller
  • LSRA
    Legal Services Regulatory Authority
  • CO
    Certificate of Origin
    ASEAN-India Free Trade Area
    GCC-Singapore FTA
  • HCSA
    Healthcare Services Act
  • HALP
    Healthcare Application and Licensing Portal
    Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act
  • SSes
    Specified Services
  • LHS
    Licensable Healthcare Services
  • MOSD
    Modes of Service Delivery
  • PO
    Principal Officer
  • CGO
    Clinical Governance Officer
  • GE
    General Elections
  • PE
    Presidential Elections
    Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act
  • CDE
    Centre for Domestic Employees
  • MWC
    Migrant Workers' Centre
  • AESU
    Air-Transport Executive Staff Union
  • AMEU
    Advanced Manufacturing Employees' Union
  • AREU
    Attractions, Resorts and Entertainment Union
  • AUPE
    Amalgamated Union of Public Employees
    Amalgamated Union of Statutory Board Employees
  • BATU
    Building Construction and Timber Industries Employees' Union
  • BFSU
    Banking and Financial Services Union
  • CIEU
    Chemical Industries Employees Union
  • CMPU
    Creative Media and Publishing Union
    DBS Staff Union
  • DSSU
    DNATA Singapore Staff Union
    ExxonMobil Singapore Employees Union
  • ESSU
    Enterprise Singapore Staff Union
  • ESU
    Education Services Union
    Food Drinks and Allied Workers Union
    Housing and Development Board Staff Union
  • HSEU
    Healthcare Services Employees' Union
    Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Staff Union
  • KEU
    Keppel Employees Union
  • KFEU
    Keppel FELS Employees' Union
  • NEU
    NatSteel Employees' Union
    Ngee Ann Polytechnic Academic Staff Union
  • NTWU
    National Transport Workers' Union
  • POU
    Port Officers' Union
    Public Utilities Board Employees' Union
  • RLEU
    Reuter Local Employees' Union, Singapore
    SATS Workers’ Union
  • SBEU
    Singapore Bank Employees' Union
  • SCEU
    Supply Chain Employees’ Union
  • SCTU
    Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union
  • SEEU
    SIA Engineering Company Engineers and Executives Union
    Singapore Airlines Staff Union
  • SIEU
    Singapore Insurance Employees' Union
    Singapore Industrial and Services Employees' Union
  • SITU
    Singapore Interpreters' and Translators' Union
    Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Employees' Union
    The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union
  • SMOU
    Singapore Maritime Officers' Union
  • SMTU
    Singapore Malay Teachers' Union
  • SOS
    Singapore Organisation of Seamen
  • SPWU
    Singapore Port Workers Union
    Singapore Refining Company Employees' Union
  • SSEU-Shell
    Singapore Shell Employees' Union
    ST Engineering Staff Union
  • STSU
    Scoot Staff Union
  • STTU
    Singapore Tamil Teachers' Union
  • STU
    Singapore Teachers' Union
  • SUBE
    Singapore Union of Broadcasting Employees
  • SUN
    Staff Union of NTUC-ARU
    Singapore Urban Redevelopment Authority Workers' Union
    Times Publishing Group Employees' Union
  • UITS
    Union of ITE Training Staff
    Union of Power and Gas Employees
  • USE
    Union of Security Employees
  • UTAL
    Union of Tripartite Alliance Limited
  • UTES
    Union of Telecoms Employees of Singapore
    United Workers of Electronics and Electrical Industries
  • UWPI
    United Workers of Petroleum Industry
  • OTCi
    Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute
  • Pers Node
    Personnel Node
  • Pers Hub
    Personnel Hub
  • TNB
    Tuas Naval Base
  • CAB
    Changi Air Base
  • USAF
    United States Air Force
  • CNB
    Changi Naval Base
  • LMV
    Littoral Mission Vessel
  • LST
    Landing Ship Tank
  • FCU
    Fast Craft Utility
    Aircraft Ship Integrated Secure and Traverse
  • LEP
    Life Extension Program
  • OFE
    Operation Flying Eagle
  • JOG
    Joint Operations Group, MHA
  • PDD
    Policy Development Division, MHA
  • POD
    Planning and Organisation Division, MHA
  • BPM
    Business Process Management
  • BPO
    Business Process Optimisation
  • UJ
    User Journey
  • UF
    User Flow
  • CTOaaS
    Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service
  • NQSN+
    National Quantum Safe Network Plus
  • TeSA
    TechSkills Accelerator
  • TIP
    Tech Innovation Programme
  • NDTC
    National Digital Trust Centre
  • DU
    Singapore Digital Utility Stack
  • PETs
    Privacy Enhancing Technologies
  • SAP
    Swift Accelerator Programme
  • SGD
    Seniors Go Digital
  • GDA
    Green Digital Architects
  • PUB
    Public Utilities Board
  • ADS
    Advanced Digital Solutions
  • ATxSG
    Asia Tech x Singapore
  • Digital FOSS
    Digital Forum of Small States
  • ISO
    International Organization for Standardization
  • AI SG
    Artificial Intelligence Singapore
  • DEFA
    Digital Economy Framework for Action
  • DfLF
    Digital for Life Fund
  • CPOS
    Code of Practice for Online Safety
  • LTS
    Local Tech Startups
  • NCTT
    National Centre for Trust Technologies
  • SNI
    Smart Nation Initiative
  • DCB
    Digital Connectivity Blueprint
  • SDCB
    Singapore Digital Connectivity Blueprint
  • SDER
    Singapore Digital Economy Report
  • SMF
    Singapore Media Festival
  • DfLM
    Digital for Life Movement
  • ATF
    Asia TV Forum & Market
  • NFTS
    National Film & Television School
  • SMA
    Singapore Media Awards
  • DID
    Digital Identity Device
  • SDO
    SG Digital Office
  • SMAc
    Singapore Media Academy
    External Review Panel on SAF Safety
  • MHO
    Mental Health Office
  • TD
    Total Defence
  • RIC
    Refundable Investment Credit